Chapter 7

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The next time Gael met Nathanael, was during a usual errand run. The Oasis rouge was known to many knights and part of their services was taking care of fine armor. Gael was taught how to clean and shine breastplates and boots. However, the swords and daggers were taking to the local blacksmith.

Gael along with another, an older worker of the brothel by the name of Charles, were tasked with taking them be sharpened and retrieving them the following day.

But as the duo carried the dull swords, a boy no older the 5 approached them with great hast. Charles's daughter was in the process of giving birth. There was no hesitation aside from a simple apology as Gael was left with a large load of blades.

The prince managed somehow to carry the massive pile a great distance before they were taken from him.

His head, that had been downcasted in his fatigue, rose to meet the gaze of the person who took them. Instead, he found himself lost in wells of emeralds.

"Gael if my memory serves" The stranger greeted, holding the full load that the prince had been previously struggling to carry as if it was naught.

"Nathanael" Gael voiced, nodding his head and bowing slightly like he would a client at the brothel.

"There's no need for that" The emerald-eyed man spoke. He then touched the right breast of his shirt that held the crest of the of the kingdom of Flames.

Known for the red sea, rubies and countless wars, won with blood and fire.

"You mended it well, allow me to thank you with my aid. Please lead the way" He requested courteously. Gael didn't move. instead, he reaches out his arms, silently asking that the swords be returned to his care.

"That isn't necessary" He voiced.

"I insist" The other responded. Gael frowned his brows.

"I do not have what to thank you for your kindness" The omega informed. He'd been reprimanded multiple times by both Genie and Monica. They made it so that their words echoed in his mind at the very thought of accepting things from others.

There isn't a breath of air in this life that is truly free.

Nathanael regards the omega that stood before him. It had been a week since they first crossed paths, his garments had been returned through Genie at the front desk. And though he was impressed with the work that had been done. The all-knowing smile on the mistress's red painted lips. Along with his own knowledge of his duty warned him against asking about the boy which hunted his mind.

He wondered if Gael knew that for a man that had fallen under his charm, standing as they did, exchanging words, was enough. But as he stared into dark eyes that reflected the light of the sun, face shining in innocence. The dutiful man knew that the omega was oblivious to the spell he'd cast.

"Must you returned to the brothel after this?" Nathanael inquired. Hiding a smile when Gael shook his head.

The prince watched as the stranger, gestured a hand, politely demanded to be lead.

"Then a moment of your time would suffice"


"You're returning late" Genie spoke up the moment the prince walked through the back entrance of Oasis rouge.

"I apologize" Gael began, shocked as this was the first time she'd patiently awaited his arrival. Though, it was also the first time he'd spent his day without work outside the brothel.

"Was I needed in my absence?" He questioned. The mistress shook her head as closed the distance between them.

"It's simply odd, that is all" She voiced with a shrugged, placing a hand on his shoulder as if, confirming his presence. She signed, exhaling deeply.

"You won't be seeing Monica for a while" She then informed catching the little omega by surprise.

"She entered her heat today along with two others." She shook her head, honestly troubled by the ordeal. It was usual for three or more girls to go into heat together that was why she had multiple rooms equipped for such use. But it was never easy. Their feromones would make their dominant guest antsy and more lustful, while there'll be fewer girls and lads to quench their thirst. Everyone would have to pitch in in order to cover for the absent girls. 

WhenGenie looked back at her self-claimed son, she took note of his trouble stare.

Monica had been absent due to her heat before. But they had never been as close as this ordeal had brought them. And for the first time, he was hyper-aware that this could, would be happening to him also.

"You haven't had you're first as of yet but it shouldn't delay. It could easily be triggered by others, that being the case you are temporarily banned from going to the third floor." Genie told the prince who simply nodded.

He'd seen what the special room, past them in his cleaning but he never entered it. Only stood at the entrance. The walls were padded, there were a toilet and a sink with running water and of course the door locked from the outside. It looked like a prison. Just the thought of having to spend the span of a week alone in that room left him cold.

"I quite hate the months of May and January." Genie went on, mumbling to herself.

"Most of my girl go into heat around then. I'm quite happy I've since past that age" She sighed once again.

"What's it like?" Gael found himself asking. The mistress regards him silently pondering wither she should speak the truth or comfort the obviously scared omega. She decided on both.

"When you're alone, there isn't much worst in this world" Genie informed, remembers the days where she had to do it alone, only there was no specialized room and no one to make sure she won't die in her haze. She'd black out in a cabin in the center of the woods. And find her senses in the midst of naked men whose identity she knew nothing about.

Yes, it was horrifying. Losing yourself, control and awareness to savage desires.

But that was then! She'd since pulled herself from those dark years and from her scars and pain she created a place where people like her, omegas didn't have to be alone in the world that belittles them.

Making the means to survive off of men and women that objectified them, with the body they were blessed with.

But her life wasn't all bad. There were moments when she was the happiest. Years when, even in her poverty, the hard trials and struggles. She couldn't imagine a woman that felt more complete, more joyous and grateful. Still, even those years ended in sadness. The moments, the smiles and tears of contentment that was shared would forever be beautiful. And since she'd created the Oasis rouge, many fond memories were added to the mix.

There was nothing for him to fear here. She'll make sure of it.

"But you aren't alone, you have Monica and you have me," She claims with a smile that did nothing for the knots of worry tangling in Gael's gut.

Genie signed. Placing a hand on the little omega's shoulder and providing what she hoped was a comforting squeeze.

"It only comes twice a year and we'll be by your side"

Gael nodded forcing himself to take a deep breath and brave a smile. He then asked.

"Is there anything I could do for Monica?"

"Give her lots of food and water when she comes back" She explained with a grin. He nods, wondering if that is all they'd be able to do for him when his time comes.

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