Chapter Seven: Meeting the Gang

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           After an hour of sexual pleasure, Bridget and Max was still laying right next to each other's arms as their naked flash and their blanket covered their bodies and smiling on each other. "I don't feel like getting up after all of that. My legs sure do hurt and I know as hell that your hands hurt holding my pregnant body which I can't wait to for the big day." "Yes and I love all of you and we gotten to know each other within quite in a short time that we have jump to three months later with a wedding and a baby. Yet, your training has been going well for these few weeks on how to be the best vampire hunter ever. Many female hunters have came before you in protecting this world from all of evil paranormal hunters."

       "True and true especially on the vampire training. Yet, I have been getting better and less bitchy at you for no reason, Max." "Thank you, sweetheart and I'm more patient with you as strange medical science is forming this baby even more like the doctor mentioned to you. Pretty soon, once the honeymoon is over that we can go off and teach you the harder tasks including tearing your enemies limbs off while you fucking beat them over the head and suck out their juicy brain." He chucks out a laugh as he laughs so hard that his erection stands up tall and winks at Bridget. "Max, seriously, as we're in bed after fucking and you're talking about fucking a vampire's limbs off being the early-afternoon while waiting for our guests to show up so that we can rehearse  for this wedding and you're hard again which I don't want no more dick till our wedding night!"

       "Just to keep you mind at ease, baby!" As he laughs and winks again, then gets up out of bed and goes into the shower to watch off the smell of sex off his body while Bridget sitting in bed and waiting for him to get out of the shower for ten minutes.

      A few minutes later, he reaches out of the bathroom with a towel on him covering up his naked body as she enters the bathroom to wash up. The two was later putting their clothes back on as they share laughter onto each other.

       Afterwards, the two had returned downstairs where Mike and the other servants have been waiting with the first of their guests arriving in the driveway and in that car, there was a group of monster hunters coming out and walking into the garden and they waved and yelled out, "Hey, Mike, how the living hell are you doing old chap?" He walks over to them and replies, "Well, well, it's Pierre and my old monster hunting team from France and a laying bastard that you guys are here to fuck up like usually." "Well, we're sorry, Mike on that last mission that got Max injured and frozen for a few weeks and the moment that he came after us with a barbed wire and we tried to hold him back." "Right but you guys are here for Max and his soon to be wife, Bridget and I forgive you guys." Then, they went to greet Max and Bridget as they was in the middle of setting up.

      "Welcome, Pierre, Louis, Sandra, Jake and Tracy, I'm glad that you guys are here and I hope that we won't have no problems at all." Max smiles at them and gives them something for them to drink. "Max, honestly, buddy and you're still on about that crazy mission and it was long ago and we did kill some monsters that day!" "Like the fuck I am!" Max was about a gasket at them and looked really angry. ""Now fellas, calm the fuck down before I start hitting the both of you with oranges like Bing Cosby!" Mike the ferocious butler was about to go back into the house and whip out the oranges as he yelled. 

"Yes, sir and I'm sorry everyone for our dick-measuring contest. I think that we should a drink while you meet my so-to wife, Bridget."

    "Sounds great, Max and we shall follow you." Sandra was holding Pierre's hand. The six people walked into the house onward to the kitchen where Bridget was having a glass of water. "Bridget, there you are and this is my hunting gang from the old days, Sandra, Tracy, Louis, Jake and Pierre, the leader of this monster hunting team.' "Greetings, Bridget, its nice to finally meet you and we hope that you can join us one day on an mission." Jake speaks as she shakes their hands. 

   "Oh yes, Max, the US president and his vice president has both been eaten by some new vampires that traveled all the way from Russia and destroyed Russia while we went underground and under siege and the leader already claimed America for the taken and BBC had already shown it from security cameras." "Well, that big baby got people out at the last second and tried to fight them off with words so he got eaten first before the vice president." Max smirked at the words Jake was saying. "We tried to put up a fight but that gang is really crazy as hell so we got out and have the whole country and world at their hands."

"Oh well, sucks to be them after the words that they had said gotten them in their place at the end of the day." Bridget was drinking that glass of water right before cracking up laughing. "We know its really funny but these people are in trouble and that they need are in need of help."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2022 ⏰

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