All Might

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It's been a couple of weeks since the sludge villain incident. Kacchan was doing better from what his mom has told me, And Izuku had been wanting to show me something for a few weeks, and now the time has finally come.

He dragged me to a private part of an abandoned beach, everything was about almost covered in trash there, "What in the world?" I ask out loud.

'Why would he bring me to a dirty ass beach?'

He stops dragging me, a smile on his face. My eye twitches and his smile immediately dropped, " woke me up, at 5 in the morning, for garbage?!" I shout pointing to the trash covering the entire beach. He shakes his head, "No no! You aren't seeing the point! All Might wants me to do something for him! And told me to meet him here-"
"Hold up!" Izuku stops, I inhale deeply, "you're excuse. For waking me up. Is All Might?" He nods.

'Is he serious?'

I still couldn't completely process this, I mean All Mights the number one hero, what would he want too see us for?

"For what?" I ask, he was about to answer, but another voice behind us answers for him, "To pass on my quirk onto him of course" I jump at the second voice. I swiftly turn around to see just a skinny looking guy, blue eyes covered by dark bags around his eyes, and blonde hair that went out in all directions.


I turn back to Izuku with a disappointed look. I pinch the bridge of my nose, "Izuku, it's too early for this shit. That is not All Might."
"Honestly, you'd think the biggest All Might fanboy in existence could see that this guy isn't-..wait, what's that noise?" I hear some sort of steam sound coming from behind me. I turn to see that scrawny looking guy turn into, "holy- ALL MIGHT!" I flew my hand over my mouth in shock, he does his famous laugh.

'Holy shit! It's actually All Might!'

I then realized.


I turn to Izuku practically begging for help. He laughs lightly, I felt a hand on my shoulder, "No need to have that look on your face! I'll answer every question you have!"  I look up to see All Might literally in front of me! Trying to contain my inner fan girl I hold my breath, "It's ok [YN], All Might gets it, I had the same reaction when I first saw him. So, you don't have to hold your breath" I nod, releasing the breath I was holding.

Steam starts escaping out of All Mights body, and he turns back into that small guy from before. I just stare at him for a little while, "I know I know, Young Midoriya was like that but worse, so I know you may have some questions, go ahead, I don't mind" I blink a few times, trying to process the fact that this was actually real. But he was right. I had like....A thousand questions! But where do I start?

I actually think about it for a moment, disregarding that this was All Might standing in front of me. When I finally have an idea on what to ask first, "How did you meet my brother?" I ask, All Might raises a brow, "Midoriyas your brother? He's talked about you a lot but I never knew you were the kids sister." I nod, "I am, adopted sister." All Might nods, "I see" he rubs the back of his neck before answering, "Well...on my way back from grocery shopping, I always pass through a tunnel. On my way through it I, see young Midoriya over here being attacked by a villain" My eyes widen, I snap my head back at Izuku. He runs his hands through his hair out of nervousness, "You didn't mention any of this." Izuku nods, "I know..I didn't want you to worry though, I'm fine now so-"
"Izuku I could've- if I didn't get distracted I would've- I would have SOMEHOW helped you." Izuku looks at me with a sad look. I sigh then shake my head, the guilt of not being there replaced with over protective anger, "good LORD, you're such an idiot!" His eyes widen right before I smack him on the head, "dude you're quirkless! You could've died!" I exclaim, he covers his face, afraid I would hit him, "I'm really sorry! I really am! But just listen for a second!" He says frantically. I huff and let him speak, he lowers his arms from his head and clears his throat, "think of it this way, I wouldn't have met All Might, and he may have never allowed me to be his next successor." I raise a brow, "His what now?" I ask, "I have a quirk called One For All," All Might starts, I look back at him, "And it's not any normal quirk, it can be passed down." a look of shock crosses my face, "Really?! It can be passed down?" All Might nods, "I've heard SO many theories on what your quirk could be! But I never expected it would be a passed down one-!"
"Shhh! Someone could hear you!" He exclaims, I cover my mouth and give a nervous laugh and apologize to All Might. He sighs, "But anyways, I needed to find a successor for this quirk, to be the new Symbol Of Peace, since I won't be here forever" I nod, understanding, "So, whose the new successor then?" I ask, All Might points behind me. I look at Izuku, my eyes widen in shock, "My brother....the new Symbol Of Peace?" All Might nods, "Young Midoriya here is a worthy holder of my quirk. We'd just need to get his body to become strong enough to endure it" I smile a wide smile, fan girling slightly, "[YN]? You ok-" I suddenly tackle Izuku into a hug, both of us collapsing onto the ground, "MY BROTHERS FINALLY GETTING A QUIRK! NOT TO MENTION YOU'RE GOING TO BE THE NEW SYMBOL OF PEACE! I'M ECSTATIC!" His eyes widen, he then starts laughing, same with All Might in the background. I join in with them as I continue to hug my nerd of a brother.


After squeezing the life out of Izuku, I stand before helping him up.

I turn to All Might and bow, "Thank you so much All Might, you have no idea how much this means to Izuku and I." I stand up again. This news is still making me smile like an idiot. All Might nods, "Yeah, o-of course. I wouldn't choose someone if I didn't think they were worthy enough. Besides, this kids got something special in him, I can tell." I continue to smile, nodding, "Yeah, Izukus got the heart of a hero." Izuku blushes form the compliment.

I then realized something, "Hold on, besides meeting All Might, what am I supposed to be doing here Izuku?" He jumps, "Oh! That's right sorry! the entrance exams for UA is in a couple of months...I was thinking...since I need to get into shape to take hold of All Mights quirk...I was thinking that I have one, or will be getting one...I've been thinking that I could get into UA." My eyes widen, "Same goes for you! Because now that you won't be leaving me behind! We can both go fulfill our dreams! All Might is also willing to train us to get into shape!" He pauses, a warm smile crosses his face, "[YN], I know we can get into UA! If we worked really hard!" I was completely silent.

'No, I definitely heard that right.'

I cover my mouth to make it stop quivering. My vision went blurry and I began to cry. Both males were silent as I cried, "Do you think...we can actually do it?" Izuku places his hands on my shoulders, he pulls me into a hug, "of course we can." I sniff, "I know I said it was a useless dream to chase...but Izuku, I-I didn't mean it" I sob. He rubs circles on my back in attempt to comfort me, "I know. You want to help people, and I think that's great, which is why I'm coming on this journey with you." I push myself away from Izuku. A small smile on my face. I nod, "okay."


Izuku helped me in so many ways. Even the little stuff can go a long way. And this is just another act that I can call heroic.

Thank you so much Izuku...I owe you so much...

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