What Friends Are For

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(There's a song 👌)



I shuffle down the hallway with my vision blurred with the tears I had left and a dazed brain full of confusion.

I try to find my way to the waiting rooms and once I find that familiar door and push it open. Closing it I collapse onto the door and curl up before hearing a familiar voice, "Huh? [YN]? What are you-" I lift up my head to meet eyes with Ochaco, her eyes widen as she rushes to my side, "oh my gosh! W-What happened?!" I look away not wanting to talk, she gives me a worried look, "s-should I get Deku-"
"No! please don't! I-I don't want him to-" I sigh, "..not before his round too..." I finish with a mumble, she nods, "I understand.." Ochaco sits across from me crisscross and fiddles with her fingers for a moment while I fiddle with my shirt, "Uhm...so...if you won't tell Deku...maybe tell me?" I was hesitant for a moment before sighing, "I...guess...?...I-I'm not sure who to tell. Even I'm not sure about what happened" I gave her a look that just screamed 'I'm desperate please talk to me', she knew I needed someone to talk to, and without anything being said I knew she wanted to help, Ochaco gave me a small smile and placed a hand on my shoulder, "hey...it's okay to be frustrated, I know that better than anyone right now..." I frown, "Ochaco..."
"But hey! You can tell me okay? So? What's the problem?" Ochaco lowers her arm giving me some room, I nod, "O-Okay...well...again I'm not sure how to say this...but, Kacchan-uh...Bakugo...he...he kissed me." Ochacos eyes suddenly were the size of saucers, her face suddenly turned darker, It looked like she was going to kill someone (and she probably was), her hands balled into fists as I grab one of her hands, "please don't do anything! I-I know he didn't really have my consent, and it was almost painful for me to stand there while he kissed me...But I mean I wanted...I...IwantedmyfirstkisstobewithShoutoalright?!" I reply with the last sentence being fast, Ochacos death glare ceases as she starts to stare at me, her eyes go back to being the size of saucers, "wait...what did you say?!" Her face gets closer to mine as a blush crosses my face, "Uhm..I-I wanted my first kiss to be...with Shouto...and...you were right, I...I do LOVE him. And as cheesy as this sounds..my heart longs for him. I want to be alone with him, I want him all to myself...that's-...as crazy as it sounds..it's true." I see happy tears in her eyes as she starts to squeal, I slam against the door in fear of this girl breaking my ear drums. Ochaco tackles me into a bone crushing hug, "OH MY GOODNESS! YOU LIKE TODOROKI! I KNEW IT! MY SHIP HAD SAILED!" I sit there in her embrace as she freaks out, she finally lets me go with a wide smile, "[YN]! You. HAVE. To!" I raise a brow, "uhhhh....I have to what?" She groans "tell him that you like him! DUH!" My eyes widen and a darker blush replaced the lighter one earlier, "WHAT?! NO WAY!" I wave my hands around, "YES WAY! You WILL do it!" I shake my head "I CAN'T!"
"WHY- wait! Why not?" She asked cocking her head to the side, I give her a disappointed look, "you seriously forgot Ochaco?! The thing I was crying about literally a second ago?! I can't confess to him now after THAT just happened!" Ochaco gives me a nervous laugh, "o-oh Yeah! Aaaahaha?" I roll my eyes as she lowers her arms from my shoulders once more, "...look...I know you're upset, but if you loose him-"
"I know! Don't you think I've already thought of loosing him?..." There was a small silence before I sigh, "I've...never felt a strong feeling like this towards ANYONE...Izuku is different because he's my brother, but Shouto...he's...different different, and because he is...I am TERRIFIED, to loose him...which is why I can't tell him." I run a hand through my hair before I lower my head as shadows cover over my face. I felt another hug from Ochaco, I hear small sniffles which made my heart stop, "woah woah woah! Hey! Why are you crying?!" I hug Ochaco back feeling awful I made her so sad enough to cry! What kind of a friend am I?!

"I-It's just, you look so sa-sad...I feel awful!" I shake my head, "no no no! I feel bad for MAKING you cry...I just don't know what to do, that's all.." Ochaco lets me go to face me, she sniffs, "you-you sure?" I nod laughing lightly to reassure her, "yeah, I'm fine, I'm just frustrated, like you said everyone gets frustrated." I give her a playful punch as she laughs, "geez Ochaco, you're not the one whose supposed to be crying!" She gives me another laugh, "yeah yeah I get it!" I give her another smile as we both continue to laugh, my eyes turn back into their normal color as I felt a lot better talking to her, letting out all the garbage feelings I had inside.

Once we get our composure together I decide to get a little more or less serious, I smirk, "soooooo~ you and my brother, that's what I want to talk about! When are you gonna ask him out gurl!" Ochacos face turns into a deep shade of red, "[YNNNNN]!!! Stop ittttt!!!" I giggle, "oh c'mon! I know you have feelings for him!"
"I said stop!" I continue to laugh "c'mon! I admitted to my feelings! Now it's your turn!"
"Ahhhhhh!!! Noooo!!" I laugh once more before standing, "okay okay, I'll stop...hey," I extend a hand, she looks up at me, her blush fading away, "let's go watch Izukus match with Shouto....which I'm not sure if I should be excited or scared as hell for them" I give a small laugh, she grabs my hand nodding, "yeah! Let's go!" I pull her up as we both smile heading out the door. As we do I suddenly stop her, "Hold on Ochaco!" She stops, "hm?" I give her another smile, "thank you, for...being such a good friend, and allowing me to talk to you...even if I didn't want too." She gives me a surprised look before a grin comes across her face, "Yeah! That's what friends are for!"

Devils Magic [Shouto Todoroki X F!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now