Villians Have Arrived!

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So before this starts just know that I'm aware that 13s gender doesn't really exist?
And 13 is really a matter of opinion with gender, so for me I see 13 as female because I'm going off by the voice actor of the character who is female. So when you see me use 'she/her' pronouns for 13 I'm letting you know why now so you don't get confused and so I don't get a lot of people in my comments asking me about 13.
That's all! Enjoy!


"Alright students. On todays lesson, me, All Might, And another faculty member will be watching you." Mr. Aizawa announces

'Huh? What's that supposed to mean?'

"Sir! What kind of training is this?" Someone asked. Mr. Aizawa holds up a card.


"Rescues, you'll be dealing with basic natural disasters like landslides, shipwrecks. etc." Everyone was practically jumping out of their seats for this, including me I'll admit.

'This is gonna be awesome!'

"Disasters huh? Sounds like we're in for a big workout"
"Totally!" I nod, "Yeah, this is gonna be pretty cool!"
"Real hero stuff, this is what separates the men from the boys! I'm shaken with excitement" Kirashima shouts enthusiastically, I snicker.

'Maybe not phrase it like that?'

"Finally, I'll get to show off how I am in water, ribbit" I smile at Tsu, "True, I bet it's awesome" she high fives me as I sit back down, "I'm not finished yet..." Aizawa says with a sigh.

'What more could there be? Could we get going already?!'

"What you wear for this is up to you, because I know you are excited about the costumes like last time." He presses a button on a remote and the walls come out like cabinets just like it did the first time, "Keep in mind that it might limit you abilities, since you haven't gotten used to them yet."

'That would make sense....since my suit is built to help me control my quirk a bit better, including the burning on my hands sometimes when using different types of fire...but I may want to use it considering that I want to try to get used to it better..'

"The training facility is at an off campus location, so we'll be taking a bus there, that's all, get ready." Mr. Aizawa leaves the classroom as we sit there for a few moments, I felt someone tap my shoulder as I turn around
"What are you going in?" Todoroki asks, I shrug, "I guess my suit...I need to get used to it more and this is the perfect opportunity!" Todoroki nods, "Same here, I want to get the ice side of my quirk to be more powerful than how it normally is" I nod as he did before, "Sounds like a plan"


Izuku decided to wear his gym uniform surprisingly, I thought he would go in his suit.
But I'm not one to judge about that, "Deku? Why are you wearing your gym uniform? Why not your hero suit?" Ochaco asks, I look up from the bench I was sitting on next to Ochaco, "It got trashed by Kacchan Ochaco remember?" She thinks for a moment, "Oh! That's right, I forgot about that" I nod, "Same here for a moment" There was a sudden loud whistle, we all turned our attention to Iida who started to yell for our class to gather, "All right! Class 1- A gather around, and board the bus in a single file line!"


In the bus Iida slumps over complaining how we didn't follow his bus boarding orders. I snicker at this and try to cheer him up as we go, "oh come on Iida, it's not that bad, now what would be bad? is if villains attacked us, now that's bad" I say laughing lightly, he nods,
"You're right actually"
"Hey! don't jinks us damn Woman!" Kacchan yelled, I roll my eyes, "geez, Kacchan, are you scared or something that villains will come?~" I ask in a mocking tone, he gives me a look of annoyance, "No! you know why? It's cause I can take them all on! I'm not afraid of any damn villains!" I snicker, "Sure, and I'm All Mights secret child" The bus goes silent as everyone looks at me with a surprised look, I laugh, "Guys it's not true, remember I'm related to this one" I said pointing over at Izuku, he nods nervously.

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