Nighttime -Malec

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A/N Dialogue Fic because I can.



"Asleep then. Okay, I won't wake you."


"Oh, sorry. Oops, and now you're up."

"Whadaya need, Magnus?"

"I love you, but I also need access to the bed so I can sleep."

"...Nnnnggg, sorry."

"Scoot over a bit, please?"


"Thank you."

"Magnus, I can't sleep."

"But you just were."

"No, I was attempting to sleep. I had a nightmare."


"Can you just... yeah"

"You're so warm, my Alexander. Like a radiator"

"Heat rune, I was cold."


"Yeah, I was really cold. Even with your fluffy blanket and everything."

"Are you still cold?"



"... Yeah, I am."

"One rune?"


"Alec, you're sick."

"... Nope."

"You can't deny it."

"I'm not sick."

"Yes you are."


"Nnnnggg yourself, Alec. I'm going to sleep. I'll make you some soup in the morning."

"... Goodnight Magnus."

"Goodnight Alec, my Alexander"

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