Chapter 1

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Hello! I am Thea McVey and I am 12 years old. My full name is Dorothy Lea McVey but nobody calls me that. My older brother is James McVey from the band 'The Vamps'. I used to live with him, until he moved to London for work, but it's almost the summer holiday's so soon there will be no more school which means more James and no bullying! I try not to let the bullies get me down and just brush the comments off but sometimes it's extremely hard, but James texts me every day which makes everything a lot easier. He doesn't know though, nobody does...yet...

Let's start from the beggining. On December 28th 2001 I was born in Chester, into a small family of my Mother (Linda), my Father (Donald) and my brother (James) who at the time, was 7. I grew up with an average life, with 2 parents and 1 brother- I argued with James until I was around 8 and then gradually became closer to him as we grew up, but it was only sibling fights which we just laugh at now! My mother and father were the most loving parents you could ever ask for and they gave me and James the most amazing childhood I could ever ask for. We went on family camping trips to Cornwall, in the south-west of England and adored me and James just as much as we idolised them. That was until I was 10...when everything changed majorly.

My mother fell ill with breast cancer. She went straight into chemo therapy and kept the spirits up, staying strong for me and James. After two months of chemo, it went away and everything was perfect. We all carried on our lives, just a little more thoughtful this time- you never know what to expect. One month after the all clear, she again, fell ill but this time with a brain tumor...this time it was much more serious. She went into hospital 3 times a week for 4 months, lost all of her hair, and went through tons of treatment but still didn't complain once. I, the youngest if the family, didn't really understand what was going on, so I didn't really act that much different around mum, but James and Dad were being so much more caring and everything seemed so...sad. I didn't question anything until one day, mummy went into hospital and didn't come back. James told me that God needed another angel so mummy went up to live with God and be an angel. He said that it was very peaceful up where God lived and that even though she couldn't be here, on earth with us, she was always watching down on us and making sure me, him and daddy were okay. He told me that she was my guardian angel. I cried lots and didn't sleep for 2 days knowing that I wouldn't see mummy ever again, but I always kept our memory books in my room and I always made sure to pray to her before I go to sleep at night- and I still do, to this day, 2 years later.

Now that I'm older I understand everything and everything makes a lot more sense, but it makes me feel a lot better thinking she is an angel and not just 'gone'...she never will be just 'gone'. You're probably wondering what happened to my family after that? Well I went back to primary school (in year 5) after 2 weeks off. Daddy said I could have had more time off, but, don't get me wrong- I missed being in her presence more than anything- but because of the way it was explained to me, I wasn't as sad as daddy and James. My friends all gave me lots if hugs and somehow managed to put a smile on my face. School went on as normal, but my teacher let me leave the classroom whenever I needed and she didn't always make me do the work if I was having a bad day. I carried on through to year 6 and decided to go to Chester High School for secondary school.

James started playing music until very late at night and always took care of me and helped me get to sleep. If I wanted to talk about mummy then James would be the person to talk to. Like I already mentioned, he played his guitar and sang all day every day, as he dropped out of school after his sixth form and didn't go to university. He became really really good at music and had briefly mentioned to me once that he would like to start a band. He looked on youtube for hours at a time, looking for lead vocalists, bassists and drummers. He one day, came across Bradley Simpson, from Birmingham. James told me, when he showed me the video of brad, that he thought their voices would blend really well together. He got in touch with him and it turned out that Brad already knew of a really good drummer called Tristan, who also happened to live near us. They all met up in London one weekend and they all clicked straight away. Because we didn't ever use our garage, the boys (Tristan and Brad) came down on the train almost every weekend to record one or two covers for their Youtube Chanel. A record label found them and signed them on after a few meetings in London. Tristan had a sister who went to a university in Scotland only a few weeks after they got signed and when she came back to visit her family she told Tristan that there was a boy there called Conor Ball who played Bass and was looking for a band to play in. They youtubed his name and he had a channel. It turned out that he was really good and Sarah (Tristan's sister) informed Connor about the band and the next weekend, he came down to meet everyone and by the end of the weekend, they asked him to be in the band. They caught it on record and his reaction was so funny! All of the boys became like brothers to me and we were all so close, we were like a mini family. They all knew about our mum and were all so supportive. The fact that we were all so close was amazing, but also devastating when they moved. The night James told me, I just cried. James was my rock, he was always there when I needed and he was moving away. London was so far away from Chester so we could only see each other in the school holidays but we agreed to text and FaceTime every day, so he saved up and bought me my first iPhone, which I was extremely grateful for. The day of them leaving was so hard and I hugged each and every one of them but we all FaceTime and text all the time which makes everything so much easier.

As for dad...well...when mum died he tried to stay strong for me and James but one day he just broke down. He became really depressed and didn't really talk to anyone. He never dropped me off or picked me up from school and would only leave the house around once every two months, he didn't really support James in music and wanted him to get a 'proper education' which I could tell frustrated James, but he understood. Dad's depression caused me to mature very early and I learned how to do a lot of things by myself as James couldn't be around 24/7. I didn't mind though; I just got used to it. When James left (last year) dad finally agreed to getting treatment and professional help. He started leaving the house more often and we would spend a lot more time together. After three months of weekly therapy and anti-depressants, dad was finally 100% okay again. This made me and James ecstatic and dad decided to support James in music and apologised for not being there when he needed.

Everything was getting better. Until secondary school.

~AN: I sort of imagine Thea looking like Madison DeLaGarza (Desperate housewives) hence the tag. Hope you enjoy it! Comment when you want another update~

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