Chapter 16

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I woke up the next morning in an unexpected good mood. I crawled out of bed and when I realised nobody was up, decided to make breakfast. I whisked some cracked eggs and fried them, while putting on the bacon and making a plate of buttered toast. While everything was cooking, I put the kettle on and filled 4 mugs with a tea bag each and one with coffee, for Con. After that, I noticed there was a pile of washing which needed hanging, so I picked up the basket and walked into the sunny back garden.
While I was hanging up the washing I started singing Happy Little Pill because I am absoloutely in love with Troye's EP.
When I had finished with the washing, I walked back inside and made up 4 plates of bacon and eggs, placing them on the table along with the big plate of toast, and filled up the mugs with water and coffee. When I turned around again, I saw Tristan in the doorway looking confused but happy.
"Why are you so happy?" He grinned as he walked in and dropped down at the table, sipping his tea.
"I don't know. Just in a good mood" I smiled, before walking to the spare bedroom to get James, who was snoring. Once I woke him up, I went into Brad, who was still asleep, and Con who was feeding Rex. After waking them both up too, I walked into the kitchen plugging my phone into the speaker and putting on my arctic monkeys album. You could call it an obsession I guess. I was pulled out of my daydream about Arctic monkeys by Con speaking causing me to turn around.
"Did you make all of this?.."
"Yeah she loves to cook." James replied for me. I smiled and walked over to the table, sitting down with them.
"And you put the washing out! Are you not eating?.." Tris asked, looking up from his food.
"Oh yeah I had a few slices of toast earlier and yeah". It wasn't a complete lie..I mean, I had 1 slice of plain toast. I hadn't eaten very much at all last night and I needed to eat something in order to not faint.
I looked over at Brad who hasn't yet said anything, nor had he eaten anything yet.
"You okay Brad?" I asked, a little concerned. When his eyes met mine, all I saw was guilt. Then the events of last night hit me and my mood saddened. I looked down at my pyjama shirt before remembering that today was a good day and weather it wanted to be good or not, today was going to be really great. I needed oe of tose. I quickly looked back up and smiled at Brad before speaking.
"Honestly. It's fine, stop feeling guilty. It's not like if you didn't eat the food or sit in the chair she would have come back! Just let it go, it's fine." I smiled at him. A few seconds later I realized what I had said and ran over to my iPod, looking for the Frozen soundtrack and playing Let It Go.
I went back to the table, smiling like an idiot and looked at how much the boys had eaten. They were all almost done, except for Brad who had a delayed start. When I looked up at Con and Tris' faces they looked very confused. I looked around, thinking something was around me or on my face, until I realized nobody had told them about last night.
"It's nothing" I smiled at them reassuringly. "I'm gonna go get changed" I carried on and smiled as I walked out of the room. I chuckled as I heard Connor mumbling something about me being too smiley.
I walked into the bathroom and washed my face, and then my teeth, before moisturizing my face. I then pulled my hair up into a messy ponytail, just for the minute, and walked back into the spare room, looking through the wardrobe of my clothes, which was already getting messy. James kept a wardrobe in here for when I came down, which wasn't very often, but he always wanted it to feel as much as 'at home' as possible.
Dragging my clothes into the bathroom, which consisted of a blue denim jacket, black jeans, a black bandeaux and a grey tank top which I stole from Tristan, I walked into the bathroom.
I quickly showered, put on my make up and dried and straightened my hair, all within the space of half an hour. That has to be some sort of record.
Walking into the living room, I went to sit down on the sofa, but got up after 30 seconds of fidgeting. I don't really know why I couldn't sit still. I think James noticed as he was sat in the room too. He slightly chuckled as I walked into the kitchen to find all of the dishes in the sink. Happy that I found something to do, i ran the hot water, squirting the fairy liquid in and out the gloves on.
Walking back into the living room, I asked James what he was doing today.
"Uh, not much, gym wanna do something?" He asked, looking up from his phone.
"Yeah can we go shopping or something? I can't sit still" I slightly laughed.
"I noticed" James chuckled. He got up, grabbed his keys and his wallet, before walking into Brad's room where Brad and Con were playing their PS4.
"Guys we're going into town" James smiled. Tris shot in from the other room.
"Can I come!" He screamed. I flinched and the noise he made and sighed.
"Jesus! No need to shout!" I laughed.
"Yeah, come on. Let's go. Shall we get you all a macdonalds or a subway?" I asked, internally urging at the thought of food.
"Oh shoot Con are you allowed those?" I asked, remembering why he was in hospital yesterday.
"Damn. I'm not allowed Macdonalds but a salad subway should be fine." He answered, pausing slighlt before his face flushed with saddness. "OH MY GOD I CAN'T HAVE ANY CHIPS" he whined, his thick accent coming through. i was about to laugh when i realised he was being serious. i slightly hugged him and craddled his head in my arms as he sobbed and so did I. I knew that I ws sobbing from laughter, but i couldn't work out whether Con's were fake or not. Luckily, when I pulled his head back, I noticed he head a tear-less face. i got upand walked to the doorway where James was stood.
"Okay see you later guys" James waved at the two guys, before walking out the door, followed by me and Tris.
I stared in awe as we walked past the music shop. There were a few in the town, but this was my favorite. It was really vintage and had posters of old bands on the walls. The whole shop was filled with records. Record after record. Not a single CD, or DVD. Just records. I loved record players and was going to ask for one for Christmas. You're probably wondering why I don't just ask James to buy me one. I don't want to seem ungrateful. You see, if James was a normal 20 year old boy, he would probably barely be able to pay for himself let alone buy me something i don't need, as he would probably be at university, so I don't want to take his well earned money.
"Do you wanna go in?" James asked. He must have noticed me staring.
"Can we?" I asked eagerly.
"Of course" James replied, but before anything was said, the bell on the back of the shop door had rung and I was inside. I wandered around all the mixed up records, picking the odd one up. I could spend all day in here, but decided against it, as I gathered the will power to walk out of the shop, pulling James along behind, who was followed by Tristan.
"Do you even have a record player, Thea?" James asked as we once again started walking the streets of London.
"Not yet" I smiled, looking around at all the shops. I loved London.
"Oh can we nip in the Co Op?" I quickly remembered as we walked past one.
"Yeah.." James and Tris replied, in sync but slightly confused. I smiled before digging in my pocket for the £10 note I had brought out of the £50 dad had given me to spend here.
I placed the sugar, flour, margarine and cupcake cases on the counter, pulling out my £10 note, thanking the woman as she packed them away for me.
I strolled back outside to a still confused looking James and Tris, but ignored their stares and carried on walking the crowded streets of London.
We finally approached the Subway and walked inside. This particular subwy was rather small and I suddenly felt very claustrahobic. i felt my anxiety levels begin to rise as I looked around for James. Once I spotted him a few feet away from me, I grabbed his hand and tried to subtly take deep breaths.
"Thea are you okay? Do you wanna go sit over there?" James asked once he had looked down at me. I nodded slightly and tried to take deep breath again but it really wasn't working. I tried to regain my balance. There was a wall about 3 maters away from me, if I could just get to that. I slowly walked over to the wall feeling extremely aware of my surroundings. Once I got to the wall, I noticed there was a table not too far away, so I went and sat down at that.
Tris came over a few seconds later, asking if I was okay, which I was now. It's strange, I feel completely normal now. If only I was normal.
James soon came back with a chicken salad wrap for me. I thanked him and we walked back to the car, slowly eating at the same time and laughing as Tris told us a story about his sister. Not even my anxiety could ruin this day.
When we got back, I threw most of the wrap away in the bin and pulled out my co op bag. Setting the correct ingredients out on the side, I walked over to get a bowl when Tris walked in the kitchen.
"How boring of my little prankster buddy to make plain brownies" he smirked as he walked over to the cupboard, pulling out some hot sauce. I smirked back at him and started mixing the sugar and the butter, then adding the flour, then the hot sauce. Lots of hot sauce. We laughed sort of evilly while putting the hot sauce in - I don't know, it was effect- which caused Con to walk in.
"Mmmmmm what's coo- damn! I can't eat brownies! For god's sakes" he sighed. I suddenly felt Rey guilty, but made a mental note to take a picture of his doctor papers which say what he can't eat- for future reference so I don't end up killing him.
"Sorry Con! I'll pick you up something while they're cooking" I smiled. After putting the brownie mix in a cake tray, I put it in the oven, grabbed my purse and informed James I was going to the 'premier' down the road.
As I walked, I felt the hot, fresh air blow through my hair and into my skin. I love this weather. It's not too hot but not too cold, and the sun's still out.
As I approached the shop, I walked in and looked trough the isles, trying to find something with not much sugar in it.
"Hmmmmmm" I wandered aloud as I walked backwards, accidentally stumbling into someone. I quickly jumped forward.
"Sorry. Sorry." I exclaimed, taking a look at the victim of my crash. He was a boy who looked around 14 with dark brown hair and big blue captivating eyes. Thea what are you doing thinking about his eyes you creep.
I pulled myself out of my trance to see what he was doing still stood there, when I noticed he was staring at me.
"Um, sorry?" I nervously stated, avoiding eye contact, in hopes for him to stop staring. It worked and when he stopped, he muttered something like 'watch where you're going' before walking out of the shop. I don't understand why some people are so rude. I said sorry, it's not like I walked into him.
Anyway, I ended up picking up a bag of Doritos because they were one of Cons favourites and rushed home after paying for them because my brownies were in the oven.
I got back just in time and quickly shouted a "honey I'm home" while running through to the kitchen. I opened the oven, grabbing an oven glove and pulling the tray out. They were a little crispy but they looked fine. Quite tasty, even. Then I remembered we out hot sauce in them.
I braved a knife and cut the cake into lots of small brownies, placing them all on a plate in the living room. I called the guys and they all arrived. Brad and James looked excited, Tris looked like he was up to no good and Con looked hurt. I threw Con the packet of crisps and he tackled me into a hug, just as I pulled away I caught James' reaction the brownies which Tris was recording...
~~~AN. I really hope you like this book. Would just like to say a huge thank you to @boyband_girl_2002 for always voting and commenting, it really does mean a lot.
Thank you,
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Stay strong.

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