Chapter 21

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I awoke to the sound of Three boys walking through the door, laughing loudly. I looked up at dad who was looking at me and smiling. I shot him a weird face and he chuckled before his gaze fell above me. I turned around and noticed that Tristan was stood behind me.

"Oh heeeeeeeeey Thea" he laughed as he jumped over the arm of the sofa and plopped down next to me. I chuckled and moved slightly away from him, giving him more room.

"Sorry. Being in a studio all day makes him really hyper" Brad mentioned, walking over and sitting in the arm chair.

"Thea? You should be in bed! It's half eleven!" James raised his voice. I was about to respond but was cut off by Connor walking out of his bedroom, holding Rex.

"WHOOOO WANTS DOMINOOOS" he shouted. I laughed out loud at his accent. After I had recovered from my laughing fit I looked back up at James.

"I fell asleep on the sofa earlier." I muttered. "And if you're gonna be this noisy every night then I'm moving out for a week" I added. James slightly chuckled.

"It'll get worse, trust me" he laughed, walking into the kitchen. I picked up my blanket, wrapped it around me and kissed dad on the cheek.

"I'm going back to bed, goodnight". I smiled.

"Sweet dreams, love yo-".

"THEA STAY UP FOR THE PIZZA" James called from the kitchen.

"Nah I'm good, night" I spoke quietly as I walked into the kitchen kissing him on the cheek.

I walked back into the spare bedroom and sighed.
A tear rolled down my cheek. I tried to wipe it away before anybody noticed but had failed. Dad came over to me, from where he was standing with James.

"Hey. It's gonna be okay. I'm really sorry. I really want to stay but I have to get back. I'm always on the other end of the phone. I love you" he spoke as he knelt down in front of me. I slightly giggled at his little 'speech'. He never makes those.

We were currently stood at the train station, waiting for dads train to arrive to take him back home. It had been two days since he ha found out about my 'issue'. I guess that's what you could call it. He tries to subtly check for any more cuts on my wrists when he thinks I'm not looking, but I've gotten so used to hiding them now.

"Oh that's my train. Bye love." Dad kissed my forehead, snapping me out of my thoughts. I slightly smiled and walked back about two steps so as I was standing next to James. I'm not entirely sure where I'd be or what I'd do without this family.

As we climbed back into the car James spoke.

"Are you okay? You seem..i don't know..i can just tell something's up" he stated. I glanced at him and must have looked nervous.

"Okay now I know something's wrong. Tell me" he spoke, sternly yet soothingly. He can't know. It would crush him more than it hurt dad.

'No it won't you idiot. Nobody cares'

Just when I thought I had a break. Typical.

As more and more thoughts rushed into my head, my vision turned fuzzy and so did my head. Everything felt unreal and I felt detached from the world. I couldn't hear anything except for the sound of my breathing, which was quickly picking up speed, and my heartbeat which was getting louder by the second. I squeezed my eyes shut and pushed the palms of my hands into my forehead, trying to subside the feeling.

I looked over at Thea, slightly annoyed but more concerned, as I waited for an answer. I don't understand why she is keeping secrets from me or hiding how she feels from me. We have always told each other everything.

As I glanced over, I looked away but quickly averted my gaze back to THEA when I noticed she had her eyes squeezed shut and was squeezing her head.

"Thea...Theaa..THea...THEA". she wasn't responding. I think she's having a panic attack. I pulled into a lane and stopped the engine. Slowly, i reached over and pulled her hands away from her face. Her eyes stayed shut for about 3 seconds and she carried on shaking until here yes opened, focusing on her surroundings. She immediately stopped shaking and her face flushed red, a sign that she was embarrassed.

"Are you okay?.." I asked cautiously. As soon as I had started talking she dropped eye contact and her eyes landed on the hem of her shirt.

"Uhm...yeah?..". She tried to fill her voice with confidence but her words came out fragile and shaky, indicating that she was lying. She wasn't okay.

I pulled her into my lap and cooed softly into her ear. Even though she wasn't really crying properly, and she is 12 years old, I still rocked her back and forth in my arms. About 10 minutes later, she had calmed down and I decided to speak.

"Thea. Please tell me what's wrong. I can help." I basically begged. Her eyes were full of emptiness.

"Uhm.i guess I'll have to tell you" DING DING. my phone went off, showing us I had a text message. As my phone was on the dashboard, me and Thea both, instinctively looked over to see who it was.

'Bradley William Simpson😆'
Hey mate. What time you back at the studi...

The rest of the message was unable to be seen as we were only reading it off the lock screen, but it was easy to tell that word was studio.

"Carry on" I edged on Thea, hoping she would open up.

"You know what, it doesn't matter. I'll tell you another time when we have one to talk properly. Go to the studio, you're missing work hours". She stayed, climbing back into her seat and buckling her seatbelt.

I sighed as i allowed my head to drop back onto the seat head-rest. I was so close.

I know it's been a while again, sorry. Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas (if you celebrate it) and a happy new year!
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