Chapter 13

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"So Pizza it is?" James asked, pulling his phone out to order. We had spent the last 5 minutes deciding what dinner we wanted, and after I realised I was going to have to eat, I had to co operate. Con was having soup, Tris was having whatever we were having and Brad was still out with his friend.

"Um, yeah? I thought you were supposed to be eating healthy..." I trailed off, trying my hardest to gamble the least amount of calories possible.

"That's okay, I can start tomorrow" James debated, still insisting on pizza.

"James, you've been saying that for the past 6 days." I was about to go on, and say that I would healthy eat with him, to motivate him, but in my peripheral vision I saw Con in the door way. I knew he was already worried about my eating habits, so I gave in, making a mental note to go to the gym or for a run to burn it off.

20 minutes later, the doorbell rang and no surprises, Tris was at the door straight away. His hang over had luckily passed, but due to the constant vomiting, he had been deprived of food for a whole day. That's a long time in Tris' mind. A very long time without food. Lucky him.

He plopped the 3 boxes down on the table and opened them, eyeing them to see which one was his. Once he spotted it, he grinned like an idiot, grabbed it and leapt into the armchair with his legs crossed. I slowly reached out and grabbed mine. It was only a small, thin, pineapple, but the thought of eating a whole pizza caused the voice to invade. The demon to invade.

It had been on at me for the past 4 hours, banging on about how I shouldn't have told James about the school, and trying to convince me that I didn't want it to stop. That I wanted to keep living the life that I hated. The demon had gotten so powerful that it was starting to feel like I was in a club 24/7, with music so loud that I could feel it in my chest, the only two differences being; 1) you chose to be in a club, you can escape from a club. 2) this wasn't music. Music makes people happy. Music makes people forget about the stupid life they're living and enables them to let go of everything, even if it is just for 3 minutes. But that doesn't work on me, because I can't hear the music over the demon inside of me.

My attention was focused back on the TV by the opening tune of 'gogglebox'. I loved this show, I don't know why it's so fascinating. Trying to engross myself in the TV to distract myself, I started eating my pizza.

When it got to the first ad break, I looked down to see how much pizza I had eaten, which was 3 slices.

'You greedy pig'

'Get rid of it. Burn it off, purge it, cut it, I don't care. Just get rid of it.'

'We're only helping you'.

I shook my head, trying to get rid of it, once again. I find myself doing that a lot lately.

"It's been a long day, I'm gonna put this in the pizza and have it for lunch tomorrow" I assured James, Tris and Con, who had recently joined us in his dressing gown. I received yet another subtle concerned glance from connor, but only some nods from James and Tris. I hope he doesn't tell James anything. He would make me eat. I can't do that. Food is the enemy.

I made my way back into the living room and fell asleep into a peaceful slumber in James' arms.
I awoke to the door being shut. Starting to become very suspicious and panicky, I began to crawl out of James' grip, but I barely had time to move a muscle due to heavy footsteps making their way closer to the living room. My heart was beating rapidly at the thought of someone else being in our home when someone's face appeared next to the door.


I'm gonna kill him. I breathed a heavy sigh of relief and clutched my heart.

"You okay kiddo?" he asked, seeming very confused.

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