Crazy Day

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Author: hello guys! There's another dare!
Thorn: what's the dare?

Ice: *wakes up* so who is it? Ash: she's cyiah224! Cyclone: *blushing*Solar: hey look cyclone is blushing! Cyclone: no I'm not!!! Thunder: hey! I'm not that mad or mean! Well

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Ice: *wakes up* so who is it?
Ash: she's cyiah224!
Cyclone: *blushing*
Solar: hey look cyclone is blushing!
Cyclone: no I'm not!!!
Thunder: hey! I'm not that mad or mean! Well.... I'm i?
Bbb's: *bickering*
Author: *sweat drop*

Cyclone: *wakes up* morning!!! *yawn* wait..... This isn't my room!!! *falls out of bed and goes to the mirror* this isn't my Body either!! What's going on!
Thunder: *wakes up*what the....... This isn't my room! *goes to a mirror* what the hell!?
Cyclone: don't panic don't panic I'll just ask big brother about this I'll just get some clothes... Wait don't tell me this is thunder's room and this is thunder's body! Oh hell no! *gets some clothes and rush downstairs*
Thunder: what the why is my room so blue? I'll just wear some clothes wait..... Why are my clothes like cyclone? Wait this is cyclones room and body!!! Oh hell no i got to get back to normal! *wears clothes and rushing down stairs*
Ash : good mor-..... Uh what happened to you two?
Cyclone and thunder: *panting*
Ash : wait... Did you two switched bodies? Don't panic you will be back to normal in 4 hours
Cyclone and thunder: 4 hours!?
Ash : just be patient okay?
Cyclone: fine
Thunder: okay!!!
Quake: wow cyclone is now cold and thunder is hyper
Blaze: yup!!!
Ice: *yawns* yeah
Solar: just like you two hyper and lazy
Ice: yeah... *yawn*
Ash : come on let's eat
Bbb's and Ash: *eating breakfast*

After breakfast
Cyclone: I'll just read *sits on the couch and reads*
Thunder: hey guys wanna play!?
Bbb's except cyclone and Ash: sure!
Ash: be careful okay!
Bbb's except cyclone: okay! *goes outside*
Ash: *cleans the table and wash the dishes*there all done *sits beside cyclone and watch a movie*
Cyclone: *puts his book down and joined ash* what's your watching?
Ash: fast and furious marathon
Cyclone: can i watch?
Ash: sure *Teleports popcorn on his hands* want some?
Cyclone: sure *gets some and eats*
Cyclone and Ash: *watching*

~~4 hours later~~
Cyclone: yes! I'm back!!! *jumps happily*
Thunder: *kicks the door* I'm back!!!
Ash: *sweat drop* wow that much hyper when you get back to normal?
Thunder and cyclone: hell yeah!!!
Ash: where are the others?
Cyclone: there coming back here okay
Ash: I'll just cook lunch *goes to the kitchen*
Cyclone: so what are we watching?
Thunder: fast and furious marathon
Cyclone: okay *sits down on the floor and watch the movie*
Thunder: *sits down on the couch and watch*
Other bbb's: *panting*
Thorn: don't leave us like that!
Blaze: your *panting* fast *panting*
Ice: yeah *panting*
Quake: don't leave like that thunder
Thunder: oops sorry
Ash : boys! Lunch is ready!!!
Bbb's: *looks at each other*
Blaze: race you all there!!
Other bbb's except blaze who is running to the kitchen: no fair!!! *chases blaze*
Thorn: i won!
Other bbb's: can you let us go now? *upside-down because of thorn's vines*
Thorn: oops sorry *puts them down*
Ash: come on let's eat
Bbb's and Ash: *eating*

~~after lunch~~
Ash: hey quake and thorn can you clean this for a moment? I'm going to call someone
Quake and thorn: okay *starts cleaning*
Solar, blaze,ice, cyclone and thunder: *watching annabelle*
Ash: *calls kc*come on answer
Kc: *answers the call* hello?
Ash: hey kc this is Ash can you come by to the mansion tonight?
Kc: sure! And why?
Ash: hihihi you'll know it when you get here and were a dress okay?
Kc: what!?fine...but what Time?
Ash: anytime you like
Kc: how about 5 or 6 then?
Ash : okay! Bye!
Kc: okay bye
Ash: *hang up*

Ash: hey boys! Someone is---....
Bbb's: *already asleep on the couches*
Ash : guess there taking a nap I'll just join them *falls asleep on the other couch*
~~7 hours later~~
Ash: *wakes up and looks at the time* it's still five in the evening *yawn and stretch* guess we ate lunch very early like nine or ten maybe......
Bbb's: *still asleep*
Ash: i think i forgot something....... Wait! Kc's coming! Nah she'll be here at 6 i know her to well I'll just take a bath*Teleports*
~~10 minutes later~~
Ash: *comes down* hey guys you should--...... there already gone maybe in there rooms.....

~~doorbell rang~~
Ash: *opens the door* hey kc your here and nice dress
Kc: *blushing*i hate this dress why did i even agree!?

Ash: come on don't be like that, thunder will love it Kc: baka!!! *blushing even more*Ash: come inside *opens the door wider*Kc: *go inside and sit down on the couch*so why am I here?Ash: there's a dare *puts a glass of water on the table*Kc: who'...

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Ash: come on don't be like that, thunder will love it
Kc: baka!!! *blushing even more*
Ash: come inside *opens the door wider*
Kc: *go inside and sit down on the couch*so why am I here?
Ash: there's a dare *puts a glass of water on the table*
Kc: who's dare is it?
Ash: rani's dare
Kc: what crazy dare did she give now? *drinks water*
Ash: uh..... She dared you and thunder to go on a date
Kc: *spits water on Ash* what!?
Ash: 😑😑😑 yeah...
Kc: oops... Sorry!!
Ash: it's okay *wet* I'll just tell thunder and the others your here i better get changed *goes upstairs and go to his room and change*
Thunder: *comes down* oh hey kc!Nice dress! *smiles*
Kc: *blushing* h-hey thunder
Thunder: *sits beside kc and smiles*
Kc: *blushing and smiles back*
Ash: *comes down and look at kc and thunder talking* guess I'll leave the two love birds alone *goes back up silently*
Kc and thunder: hey!!! We heard that!!! *looks at each other and laugh*
Ash: meant to be each other love birds *goes up*

~~with thunder and kc~~
Thunder: hey kc i want to show you something *holds kc's hand and stands up*
Kc: *blushing*Oh okay *stands up*
Thunder: *runs outside smiling*
Kc: *blushing and smiling*
(😭 my hands it hurts!!! But i can still do it!!!)
-time skip-
(sorry meh to lazy)
??? : *knocks on the door*
Ash: I'll get it
Quake: okay
Ash: *opens the door*hey rani! What's brings you here?
Rani: just visiting it was so boring in the house so i though I'd come here to have some fun
Ash: in the night?
Rani: yeah
Ash: come in
Rani: *rush inside and sits beside cyclone*hey cycy!!
Cyclone: what do you want?
Rani: wow your so mean and cold today, something happened?
Cyclone: stop asking questions
Rani: it was just a question
Cyclone: why do you have to be annoying?!
Rani: well excuse me for being annoying to!!!
Cyclone and rani: *fighting*
Ash: *sweat drop*
-time skip-
( sorry meh to lazy)
Rani and cyclone: *falls asleep after fighting*
Ash: wow... Earlier they were like cat and dog and now they're... Sleeping... Nah i guess it's okay I'll just leave them be... *goes to his room*

Ash: *yawn* morning
Bbb's, kc and rani: morning!!!
Ash: oh i just remembered something hey kc!!!
Kc: what!?
Ash: who is your first and last crush!?
Kc: *blush* that's private
Ash: come on do it!
Kc: *blushing* f-fine..... It's thunder
Thunder: *blush a little*
Cyclone: hey look thundy is blushing!!!
Thunder: *summons his blades* cyclone!!!
Cyclone: catch me if you can!!! *rides on his hover board*
Thunder: *chases cyclone*
Ash: *giggles* just like old times

Guys I'm really sorry for not updating the dare was so long!!! Hey cyiah224!!!hope you like it!!! If you got some more dares or truths just comment down below

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Man....... My hands hurt so much 😥 but i can still do it!! 😆😆😆

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