Confused Boys and Bombs

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Once upon a time after DANISON and JULIASH happened, there was a couple that still didn't exist at the school and that couple was MALEX! Where does this story take place? Well where else? Emily's too lazy to come up with a different setting so of course it's still taking place at the Hell Hole school. At least she takes the time to write these things, but that's not much of an excuse now is it?

Anyways... Everyone knew about Alex's major crush on Miles, all except for he himself. But that's okay cause Miles is the type of guy that gets confused about literally everything that isn't school related. How? Who knows. No one knows what goes on in that brain of his. He actually is pretty smart though, he's just troubled by confusion. But it was his confusion that led to all the events that were about to unite the two lovebirds...

In the forest just outside the school, Alex was trying to find leaves for her science project. It doesn't really make sense since we're learning about chemistry and it's winter so leaves are slightly hard to find but that's the point of the assignment. It was an extra assignment for her to do since she wants to bump up her mark, so in a way it makes more sense. Alex started picking up some leaves and placing them in a plastic bag, until she heard footsteps coming closer and closer towards her.

Alex: "hello? Who's there?"

All of a sudden a figure emerged from the trees and bushes... and it was Miles!

Miles: "wait... is this the way to servus place? Cause I've been walking around here for like an hour and I still can't find it"

Alex: "no this is the forest that's outside the school, which ended an hour ago"

Miles: "oh are you looking for servus too?"

Alex: "no I'm finishing up an extra assignment for science"

Miles: "oh well I can help you with that. It's probably too late to go to servus anyways. What do you need to do?"

Alex: "I need to find leaves and describe their different characteristics"

Miles: "oh cool, well for this one *insert smart comments here*"

So Miles spent his precious servus time with Alex, helping her with her project. Little did they know things were about to get interesting the very next day.

The next day at school, the principal who doesn't seem to care much about us told us about a new student at the school. His name? Juan. It was obvious he was Mexican, but when Madison and Emily started talking about it Emily asked: "I wonder how long he's lived in china for?"

Madison mentally face palmed and explained his actual nationality. Juan took a seat next to Alex in Helen's class, to where she did one of her fake smiles.

'Great, another student to torture me'
The depressed teacher thought.

Juan: "holla mi amiga, tu es muy bonita!"

Alex: "um, sorry I don't speak spanish"

Juan: *laughs* "that's okay. I said hi my friend, you are really beautiful"

Alex didn't know what to say. Juan was super hot in her eyes but her heart belonged to Miles.

Alex: "um haha thanks"

Juan gave her a charming smile, as they continued to talk. Poor Helen, she had to keep telling them to be quiet. But of course Juan and Alex decided to be rebellious and disobey her orders.

They don't pay me enough to be in a class with these assholes, Helen thought.

She rolled her eyes at the sight of Alex and Juan laughing at a joke he just told. All of a sudden Miles walked in.

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