Chapter 1

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*Dan's POV*

I wake up from yet another dreamless night. I walk to the bathroom and shower. I put on clean clothes and brush my hair. I look at the monster in the mirror. I'm so fat and ugly. I straighten my hair and grab my backpack. Walking downstairs I check to make sure my dad is asleep. I pass a picture of my little brother and start to feel upset. I had put him up for adoption when he was 6 because he started to get abused and neglected like me. I didn't want that and I decided this was the best choice. I miss him so much. I stop in the kitchen to make sure I have everything I need. Binder, Chromebook, books, phone, earbuds, homework... necklace... Yup. I have everything I need. I make sure my necklace is in my backpack where nobody can see it and quickly but quietly walk outside before my dad wakes up. I put in my earbuds and play music. Then slowly walk to school. I hate it here so much. I try to block out everyone as I walk in. Someone pulls me to the side and throws me against the wall. "Hey fag." Pj says. He punches me in the stomach and keeps hitting me. "You're a worthless loser" He says as he kicks me in the gut. After a while, I am on the floor in a ball, blood dripping from my arms. Pj walks away satisfied. My vision is blurry and I feel dizzy. I get up and using the wall to brace myself, I go to the bathroom. Locking the door behind me, I walk over to the sink and try to ignore the beast in front of me. I wet a paper towel and clean the cuts that opened. I wrap them up and lift up my shirt so I can see those scars. Making sure none of them are bleeding or open I pull my shirt and sweater back down and walk to my class still dizzy.

*TIme skip to after school*

I walk out of school as fast as I can. When I'm far enough away from the campus I slow down and go to the abandoned elementary school. I pull out my phone and sit on a swing. I go onto YouTube and scroll through my recommendations. I pull out my necklace and hold it in my hand. I toss it and it lands right in front of me. "Worthless piece of shit. I don't have a fucking soulmate and I never will!" I say. I throw my hand down and my phone starts playing a video. "Hey guys" My phone says. My necklace starts glowing... what... the... fuck... I look at my phone screen and there is a boy with jet black hair in a style that's similar to mine, piercing blue eyes, and an amazing smile. "AmazingPhil... Huh..." I hit subscribe and watch some of his videos. I left a comment on one that said "Hey mate I couldn't help but notice your muse posters. I like them too. I think we would be pretty good friends." I turn my phone off and grab my necklace. I head home cautiously and walk inside. Closing the door as quiet as possible I run upstairs to my room. I take out my binder and try to focus on my homework but I couldn't help but keep thinking about that blue-eyed boy. I do my homework the best I can and go onto my laptop. I go to YouTube and go onto AmazingPhil's channel. My necklace started glowing again and I picked it up. I looked at it and rested it on my desk where I can see it. I go to my notifications and see a reply to my comment. "Oh yeah? You think we would be good mates? Let's see. Do you have skype?" The comment said. I said yes and he soon replied saying "Give it to me in a chat so the other Philions don't get it too." I gave him my skype and we started talking. We told each other lots of random facts about ourselves. It felt nice having a friend.

What if this doesn't last

Shut up

What if he forgets you

Leave me alone

He doesn't care about you

Shut. the. Fuck. up.

The voices keep talking and my necklace keeps glowing. We asked each other more questions while I tried to ignore the voices. It was oddly easy to ignore them while talking to him. "I know I should have asked this first but your name is Dan right? I'm just guessing because of your username Danisnotonfire." He texts me. "Yeah yours is Phil right?" I ask knowing it won't be creepy now. "Yup. :)" Phil texted back. I love talking to him. He's so interesting. "I have to go Dan but I'll text you tomorrow. I'm currently in the process of moving to a different town. Bye :)" Phil texts. "Bye :)" I say back.

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