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I opened my cars door. Well my porsche to be exactly clear about things. A nice black coat made it look fancy out of all the cars at this frat party.

I used my car keys and locked it pressing the lock button. All i could hear was the clicking of my heels under the uneven gravel road. I knocked on the door of this massive house.

I pulled down my black dress. And made my hair a little more wild. By shaking it a little. I made sure that I showed a little bit of cleavage by slightly pushing it out. When the door opened I saw a guy with blue ocean eyes and raven black hair. He had pale skin. But when I saw him all I could do was smile.

He glared at me from top to bottom. And I could see the lustful look on his face. "Soo... come on in". I gave him a flirty smile but inside I cringed just looking at him disgusted me.

I gave him a nod and strided past him. I could hardly hear my stirletto's anymore just the booming of music coming from a stereo system. The room was dark but there were different kind and colours of lights going to every direction and corner of the room.

I swayed my hips as i walked closer to the beer table. There was punch but i'd rather not get blind sighted to what i actually came here to do.

I scanned the room but secretly threw in a little something something to throw people off balance. I pushed through the crowd into a corner. The Dj was still up and doing his thing. I stood there and saw someone approaching me. He had the most vivid eyes that made me stare at it for a little while. When he finally came over to me he leaned over me. Hovering when he placed his hands at the sides of my head.

I gave him a smile "So whats a pretty little thing like you doing at a party like this?".

I fake blushed then came a little closer to his face. I took a deep breath and said "Well its for me to know and you to find out. What does a sister gotta do to get with you?".

He gave me an evil grinn. I could see the wheels turning in his little head. He was thinking of all the dirty things he's planning on doing to me. He tried to make out with me but i pulled back before he could try anything. "Ah ah ahhh... no not like this. Not here". I said whispering in his ear. Bitting my bottom lip and giving him the most sexiest look but deep down I really felt disgusted.

He grabbed hold of my hand. And led me upstairs. I followed him and we went into the room. By my surprise it was sorta not quite what I expected.

He pulled me in closer. His hand on my lower back. His lips were cold against mine. I hated kissing him.

I pushed him on the bed and giggled a little bit "My turn to have my way". I said unzipping my dress. As it slid down my legs I stepped out of the circle it made. His eyes drifted up and down. I placed my hand on my hip. He just layed there. Waiting for me. But I knew he was already aroused by the way I unzipped my dress.

I stepped onto the bed with my heels. I looked down at him. But the only thing he was looking at was the obvious lingerie I had on. His hands trailed up my left leg. Kissing it.

I gave him a smile and said "Whats your name handsome?". He looked up at me "Daniel". He said straight to the point. Like he couldnt wait any longer.

He pulled me down ontop of him. I giggled a little bit when i fell down ontop of him. To try and make him a little less suspicious.

I bent down to kiss him on the ear. Motioning my body properly. So that I can have my right heel closer to my fingers.

I slipped out a small dagger was under my heel. Hidden away from all eyes.

He pulled my face towards him. Kissing my lips forcefully. He bit my lip and I felt a droplet of blood but he kissed it off. And licked his lips.

"Ouch! What the hell was that?". I said asking like the confused little teenager im supposed to act like. "Oh, no its just something i do. Thought it would turn you on a little bit". He said whispering between kisses he gave me.

My hands crept up his arm. Waiting for the right moment to strike i pulled him up and he sat up kissing me. I took this as my opportunity to finally finish what i came here to do.

"Whats your name?". He asked in a muffled and breathless voice. I had a smile on my face. "The Black Dove". I stabbed him multiple times in his neck. He tried to shove me off of him but I found my way back in that position stabbing him over and over.

With every stab it came with more force than actually needed. But I was angry because he bit into my bottom lip.

I stood up and slipped my dress back on and walked back out of the room. I went downstairs and everyone was fast asleep.

I felt a smile creep up on my face. I let out a feather in my hair. And walked out grinning like a cat who just stole milk.

I unlocked my car by the press of a button and climbed in. I looked into the rear view mirror fixing my lisptick. I took out my phone.

"Hey it's D. It's done". I said and switched off my phone. I put the keys in the ignition and started my baby up. She roared to the occasion. I stepped on the accelerator pedal and moved it into first gear.

I took off as fast as I could just in case my something something wore off.

Jessie HunterWhere stories live. Discover now