Chapter 17

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"Sasuke!" Kakashi called out. "Don't worry, I'll protect you four with my life. I won't let anyone on my team die."

Strangely, I instantly felt safe, but I didn't let that lower my guard. I know what happens.

But will me being here change it?

"I don't know about that," Zabuza's voice said, a moment after Kakashi assured Sasuke, that everything will be alright. Suddenly, Zabuza appeared in the middle of our formation, right in front of Tazuna. I decided not to make a move, since I knew Kakashi would handle it.

Sure enough, he did. We all jumped back while Kakashi thrust a kunai into Zabuza.

But of course, it had to be a clone.

"Sensei! Behind you! Naruto yelled out as Zabuza appeared behind Kakashi.

Zabuza swung his sword towards Kakashi "Die!" He yelled, while cutting Kakashi in half. Wait, while cutting Kakashi's clone, in half.

"Why does everyone use clones? Sooooooooo mainstream." I mumbled to myself.

Zabuza's eyes widened, I'm guessing that he's figured out that Kakashi copied his jutsu.

Oh, and would you look at that, Kakashi has appeared behind Zabuza with a kunai against his throat. What's up with shinobi appearing and disappearing repeatedly.

After standing there for a while, Kakashi mutters "This is the end." And- (A:N I am not going to give a play-by-play of this battle, go watch the anime. I'm going to summarize this)

Okay, so.

Zabuza starts to laugh creepily, and tries to diss Kakashi a little, by saying that he can't beat him. Blah blah blah, so many words. Zabuza appears behind Kakashi again, everything repeats itself. Yawn. I would totally sleep right now, but I'd probably end up getting my head cut off. I don't want that. I like having my head attached to my body, thank you very much. 'Sides, my head is fab, just like me. Wait, my head is a part of me, so of course it's fab, because I'm fab. And-

"Lily! Kakashi is trapped!" Kiki's voice interrupts my train of thought. Sure enough, Kakashi was trapped in Zabuza's Hydro-prison Jutsu, and standing beside Zabuza was a clone.

"The four of you have forehead protectors on as if you think you're ninja" Zabuza said to us. "But ninja refers to someone who has gone through numerous life and earth situations. In other words, you can call yourself ninja when you appear in my bingo book. You four are not ninja." Zabuza's clone used the Mist Concealment Jutsu and disappeared. He then reappeared in front of Naruto and kicked him, his forehead protector falling off in the process. The clone then stomped on his headband. "You guys are just kids."

Kakashi then yells out and tells everyone to run. Sasuke runs towards Zabu's clone and throws shuriken at the clone in the process. The clone, however, deflects the shuriken and grabs Sasuke's throat, and then throws him to the side. I can tell everyone is afraid.

I decided to let Naruto have his moment and retrieve his headband. Of course, he gets hit and thrown back. While Sakura is yelling at him, I take a step forward. "Oi, Sakura. Do me a favour." I said.

She looked at me confused. I took off my bag and handed to her. "Hold my bag, and make sure nothing happens to it, or anything inside." I tell her.

She takes the bag. Then Naruto says. "Lily! Do you plan on taking him on?!"

I give him a grin. "This whole time, I haven't done anything, and I am bored as hell. So now it's my turn to do something." I step in front of them. Naruto is about to protest when Kiki interrupts him.

"Have faith in Lily-sama, please." Everyone stays quiet and then I hear some movement behind me. I glance back and see that they've gotten back into formation around Tazuna.

I face Zabuza's clone. "So, the Princess wants to play." He says.

I smirk and take out a dagger which is much longer than a kunai, but shorter than a kantana.

"Who's playing?"


Annnnd there you goooooo, updated, and cliffhanger! Mwuahahahahahhahahaha.

No worries I'm writing the fighting scene now,

Y'all know the drill

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That ish.

Kyo out!

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