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- S U R V I V O R S -

A male laid on the dirty, blood stained carpet of a living room. Furniture was either pushed over or torn up, even both. Everything had blood stains.

The scene of murder.

The scene of an intruder.

The scene of an army.

The eyeless male laid his head on a blue hoodie. He wore a grey, torn a bit, shirt. Black skinny jeans that seem to be on good condition, apart from all the blood stained near the ends and small tears. He held a pistol in his right hand. His left rested over his stomach. A brown leather sash hung loosely from his right shoulder to his left hip. Ammo for the gun lined that sash. Finally, he wore black and white checkered converse. But you couldn't see the design since they were covered with blood.

This males name is Thomas Thompson.

A creak of a wooden floor echoed through the household. Thomas heard this, quickly grabbing his hoodie and small black bag. The bags only contents were food for survival.

Thomas hid behind one of the pushed over couches, tying his blue hoodie around his waist.

Thomas was a bit feminine, sometimes mistaken for a girl. But he most certainly is a boy.

He peeked over the couch, only to see a pair of men with the same uniform, walk into the house.

Shit! Army soldiers...

Thomas Thought.

The smaller soldier had messy, dark oak hair. His eyebrows were unusually big. One of his dark brown eyes had bandages covering them. Probably a battle wound. A bent cigarette hand loosely on his thin pale pink lips. His uniform, oh! Was exactly the same as every other soldier.

Red turtleneck sweater underneath a navy blue trench coat. A name tag clipped to the right side of the trench coat, with their name to identify every soldier. But that didn't really mattered since they were all going to die anyways. But this mans name tag was clipped upside down. What an idiot.

The taller male, both of them were taller then Thomas, if you were wondering. He had long lighter brown hair then the other, reaching just above his shoulders. He had two bangs, left and right, placed in the middle of his face. Kinda looked like chicken wings if you asked me. His eyes were a bright, cheerful brown colour. And of course, he wore the same uniform as the other, shorter male but this guys buttons were undone. Showing a white cross on his red turtleneck sweater. His name tag wasn't upside down like the other idiot.

Patryk Larsin.

"I swear I saw someone in here, Pat!" The shorty complained, huffing and crossing his arms.

Patryk shook his head. "Well, seems like your wrong, Pau. Maybe this once proves you don't see everything!" Patryk states, crossing his arms too.

Right at that small moment of silence. One of Thomas's ammo fell off his sash, creating a loud sound when colliding with the floor. This, of course, got the soldiers attention.

The pair walked over to the knocked over couch, careful to not let, whom ever hid behind there, know they were there.

But Thomas did know. He quickly pulled on his bag, grabbing the loose ammo with his left hand and ran. The soldiers were caught off guard when Thomas jumped over the couch and legged it.

Before Thomas could make it to the door. A pain from his left shoulder shot through his body, making him collapse to the ground and gripping tightly at that said shoulder.

"Good shot there, Pau." Patryk complimented, walking over to the small body that lay in pain on the ground.

"F-fuck.... yyooooouuuu...." Thomas growled in a slurred stutter. His bullet wound kept bleeding, staining his hand and sleeve.

"oooo! A fighter, isn't he, Pat?" Paul teased, a smirk plastered on his lips. Paul stood beside the crouched Patryk, who was crouched beside Thomas and inspecting his wound. Patryk couldn't help but snicker a bit.

Thomas took in all the strength he had left, digging his right hand in his jean pocket and clutching onto a cylinder object. It was a dead battery. His pistol laid beside him. Laying there uselessly.

Patryk was caught off guard once again when Thomas had punched him in the gut. Thomas took this as his chance to get away. Scrambling to his feet, dropping the dead battery and grabbing the pistol. Thomas took his leave, running out the door and down the streets. Paul quickly ran over to his partner, Patryk, to help him up.

Thomas ran through the abandoned town, looking for any little store. Blood now trickled down his arm, staining the side of his shirt blood red.

The streets had no cars driving down the roads. Only silence. Instead, cars crashed, pushed over or completely trashed. Every building had at least one broken window. From the Red Army's invasion, of course.

When the Red Army attacked this very town, out of many others, they had intruded in all buildings. They had killed the young and the too old. Only taking away with them the teenagers and young adults. The reason behind that is to gain more soldiers to fight among other Red Army soldiers. All of them following Red Leaders command or death penalty.

Thomas is twenty-one. The Red Army soldiers still haven't caught him and forced him to work for the Red Leader... yet.

Once spotted, Thomas made a left turn to a corner store. Thomas used his right, none injured side, to push open the small store door. He could of jumped through the broken windows, but with the bullet wound, Thomas had no strength to do so.

A bell rang after the opened. It's one of those stores. Dead bodies laid on the ground or leaned against a shelf. Blood was of course over mostly everything.

Thomas walked down the isle, looking for the medical one. He found it and walked down, looking at the medical items on the shelves. Most of it was gone. Great. What he needs is probably not even here.

When Thomas found what he came for, he found a dead corpse leaning against the bandages. Thomas stumbled to the body, pushing it over and off the shelf. When it landed on the floor, more blood oozed from its wound in the head. Gross.

Thomas sat beside the shelf and dead body. He rolled up his sleeve, revealing a very bloody sight. Thomas sighed, taking out a roll of bandages and carefully wrapping them around his wound.

In another isle, was another male. He had normal soft brown hair that matched his bright brown eyes. He wore a green hoodie and tan coloured skinny jeans. To match his green hoodie, he had bright green converse. Even with the blood stains, you could at least still see the vibrant green.

When Thomas finished tending to his wound, a voice called out to him.

"Are you one of the few survivors?"

1164 words

Hewo! Hope you like the first chapter! I'm _dragon_lord_ as well, so hope to see you over there as well. But if you came from there to here, WELCOME!

Love you all! Bai! <3

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