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I feel lonely. Someone text me?

- G U I N E A P I G -

"Pat. Go find Thomas. He should've been here by now." Red leader grumbled.

"Yes sir."


"He's not here."

"What do you mean not here?!"

"I mean, he isn't in his room and we found something on the cameras..."


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The light shone brightly, blinding Thomas as he opened his eyes. "What the..." he mumbled to himself, looking around the room. He tried getting up, but he couldn't even stand. It felt like his wrists and ankles were tied up tightly to something..

"Finally! Your awake." A feminine voice echoed into the room with a loud laugh following.

Thomas squinted his eyes, he couldn't see anything since the only light in the room was on him. "Who's there??" He said. Hands clutching into fists.

Footsteps could be heard as she walked forward. "I see, you don't remember me. Pity. I did stab a syringe into your neck." She giggled. Soon she was standing in front of Thomas, with a huge insane smile on her face.

Her brown hair tied up into a messy bun, some strands of her hair falling down in front of her face. Though with her matching eyes. Their pupils were small, a bit insane looking.
She wore a white coat, a black shirt underneath and some boots with furr on top.

"Though I couldn't of done it without the team that just had to come along with me. Which sucked. But was also helpful. As they helped me take your body to the van and tie you up to this chair for instance." She said with a smile. "Oh, am I rambling again? My apologies, my banter is probably annoying you. Which is probably a good thing as well as your the enemy here, not me."

Thomas just looked at her with a scowl on his face. He hated this crazy lady already. "What do you want from me?" He snarled.

"Oh! Just some experimental stuff. Maybe a video for the red leader as well." She said with a giggle. "And maybe a few other things..." She trailed off her sentence, looking to the side as she thought what to say next. She smiled and looked back at him. "Your going to be like my little guinea pig!"

"What?!!" He shouted, leaning forward with wide eyes as Thomas just stared at her.

"You heard me! Your my guinea pig now!" She said with a huge grin and a loud laugh.

Thomas sat there with wide eyes and an open mouth, scared for what was to come...

430 words

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