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Edit: realised I forgot a title-

- N E E D I N G   H E L P-

Thomas huffed, hands on his knees. Tord chuckled, wiping his forehead. The two had just fought each other for the ninth time.

"Your actually pretty good.. can hold up a good fight.." Tord said with a soft smile. He walked over to a bench, picking up and water bottle and drank some of it. The Norwegian offered Thomas some, who accepted. He drank half the bottle, twisting the lid back on and threw it away.

"So.. what now? Do I go back to my room?" Thomas asked, chuckling a bit. Tord shook his head no. "Not quite yet. Five minutes is left of training for all recruits, means you have to stay. Another round?" The Norwegian boy asked with a smile. Thomas smiled. "Your on"

They both get into ready positions. Walking around in a circle and fists up. Tord strikes first, going to kick but ends up punching. Thomas just dodged it, it almost hitting his arm. He was just tired. The Jehovah smirked, grabbing Tords arm and spinned him around. Tord spins around, stumbling to regain balance.

Tord chuckled. A siren went off. "Until next week... bye Thomas.." The Leader said. He pulled on a shirt over his bare chest, placing on his mask and left with his things.

Thomas huffed, falling onto the floor. A tired mess. He sat up, sighing and standing up. The eyeless male grabbed his things, heading back to his room. Not caring if he was shirtless, bandaged arm showing and people stared or not.

He walked into his room, dropping everything and flopped onto his bed. Edward and Mathew walked in, sitting on Edwards bed.

"So, how was it?" Edward asked, looking at Thomas. Thomas groaned, turning his head and faces Edward. "Fun I guess..? At least Red is better then his father..." he said with a soft chuckle, now sitting up. Edward snickered. "Thought so..."

~ ~ ~ ~   ~

It's been a few weeks, maybe one or two months. Thomas and Tord have been training together every once or twice a week. Both of them have improved. Mostly Thomas, being that he was a recruit and Tords an army soldier. Ahem, Leader actually.

Everything seems to be going well so far. Seems. Tords been struggling more then ever. His work has been overloading. They are needing more materials. But none are available. So he's running out of choices.

He's recently been working more with the scientists. Brain storming ideas with each other. But nothing useful so far.

Tord needed help, but he didn't know how or what. He talked with his fathers. They didn't quite know. But suggested to get a secretary. He didn't have one of those, or even wanted one.

They suggested on taking a break. But there was no where to go. There was war basically everywhere. So that was a no.

Pau suggested the secretary again, because Tords been showing up late to a few meetings lately. And his work seems rushed, also late.

Tord finally agreed to the secretary idea. But who would it be. It'd had to be someone he could trusted. Someone that could fight. Someone that can wake him up on time for meetings. Someone that would tell him to take a break and sleep. So he isn't always tired.

Someone like...

He didn't quite know. The only person he was close to was Thomas. But he didn't want to drag him into his mess. But maybe he had to...

To be able to be leader, he had to have Thomas as his secretary..

587 words

Hello! It's been forever and this chapter is another short one. (I think-)

Anyways, if anyone would like to just talk or roleplay. Feel free to message me on Amino. Because I'm mostly active over there.

Amino: star.girl.xx
On Eddsworld amino of course, but I'm also on Voltron, BMC (be more chill), and SVTFOE (Star vs The Forces Of Evil)

If there's another fandom I should check out, please tell me about it. As I'm really bored.

Thanks for reading! Bye guys

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