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Should I do an art book..?

- W H O  I S  H E -

The sun falls and the moon rises. The sky turning from light blue to a colourful sky and then black. White spots appear slowly, and twinkle every now and again.

Thomas gazed out a boarded window, seeing the beautiful night sky.

"Guys, it's time to go..." Thomas stated, standing up from the tattered couch. Edward and Mathew followed suit.

"Wait! I need my hoodie!" Mathew called, running upstairs.

Thomas and Edward waited by the door.

Thomas had his gun and bullets just in case. He was going somewhere with the two people he needs to keep alive, Edward and Mathew. Even though he met them because of this stupid Red Army taking over the world!, thing. Thomas would still protect them. They all have made a bond. Well, it seems that way for now.

Edward, he had nothing. Well, except for a few cola cans in his green hoodie pocket. About five. So what? Can't a guy drink some cola?

Mathew came running down stairs, now wearing his purple hoodie. "Let's go!" He chirped, walking up to Thomas and Edward.

Thomas nodded, opening the door. A gust of wind hit the boys as they make their ways outside. Edward closed the door, making sure to lock it.

The two clueless males trail behind Thomas, who made his way through the forest, going the usual route he goes to meet his friend.

As the three get there, Thomas holds up his hand to stop the others. "Wait here, I'll tell him about you guys before he sees you..." Thomas whispered, walking over to the glistening river.

There, at the bank of the river, was the only Tord. He wore a black hoodie and black skinny jeans. His jeans were rolled up to his knees as his feet dangled in the water. His red converse shoes and socks sat beside him.

Tord looked over to where he heard movement.

There was the one and only, Thomas Thompson, his friend.

Tords expression turned from a bored one to a happy one. He stood up, walking over to his dearest and only friend.

"Welcome, Thomas! Nice night, isn't it?" Tord greeted, a grin plastered on his face.

Thomas smiled back, nodding lightly. "Yes, it indeed is." Thomas answered.

Thomas looked down at his checkered converse shoes. Tord could tell something was up, but what?

"What's wrong?" Tord asked, his face softening.

"I have some... friends with me tonight... do you mind..?" Thomas asked, looking up at Tord with a hopeful look.

Tord smiled softly at the eyeless male. "Of course! I dont mind a few extras... the more the merrier, right?" Tord chuckled, Thomas joining in a bit.

Thomas looked to where he came from, waving a hand. Two males bearing hoodies walked through the bushes and over to Thomas. One green and one purple.

"Hello, I'm Edward, but just call me Edd for short!" Edward chirped, holding out a hand for Tord to shake.

Tord smiled, gratefully taking Edwards hand and shaking it. "Nice meeting you, and this must be Mathew..?" Tord asked, taking his hand away from Edward and to Mathew.

"Indeed, I am!" Mathew chirped, shaking Tords hand with a good grip.

Tord took his hand back, looking at Thomas. "Now what?" Tord asked, raising an eyebrow and a smile tugging his lips.

Thomas smiled. "What we always do, star gaze!" Thomas answered sitting at the river bank, legs crossed. Tord followed suit, but stuck his feet in the water.

Edward and Mathew looked at each other before sitting at Thomas's side.

The four of them star gazed and talked all night. Enjoying each other's company.

Well, that didn't really last long.

There was a sound of rustling in the bushes. Thomas noticed this, keeping his guard up. Seems no one else had noticed this, but him.

More sounds of leaves rustling and some snaps of sticks came slowly in an hour, and that's when Thomas had enough. No animal would stay there, watching them for an hour straight.

Thomas stood from his position, gaining confused looks from the other three. He ignored that and walked towards the bushes he heard the noises from. Thomas took out his pistol, pointing towards the bushes. He was at least three to five metres away, so he was fine.

"Come out, now, or I shoot!" Thomas growled, holding the gun tightly.

"Thomas, no one is there-" Tord was cut off by someone jumping out. "Nevermind..." He muttered, standing up.

"State your name and your purpose!" Thomas yelled, pointing the gun to the middle of their forehead.

The mysterious male wore black clothing, disguising himself with the night. He had black hair, shaved on one side. A black bandana hung loosely around his neck and over his mouth. He also wore combat boots.

The unknown male pulled down his bandana, revealing a smirk. "And why should I? Not like you have the guts to shoot me." He purred, his smirk still remaining.


Thomas shot.

But he didn't hit the guy, just the green grass beside him. "Answer me now, or the next bullet will be in your head!" Thomas growled again, not liking this guys attitude.

When the gun had shot, the male jumped. He didn't actually think he would shoot. What an idiot.

"Alright! Alright! Jeez, I didn't think you were serious..." The males smirk disappeared, instead being replaced with a scared and sorta shocked expression.

Meanwhile, Tord, Edward, and Mathew were watching in complete shock. How did Thomas know he was even there? They could've died!

"The names Cobalt, weird isn't it? Anyway, I'm here on a mission." Cobalt answered, his hands beside his head like a surrender.

"And what mission would that be..?" Thomas asked, still pointing his gun at Cobalt.

Cobalts lips tugged into a smirk once again. "Well, that would be to spy on Red Leader and find out where he's been going for the past month." Cobalt answered. "Then kill him."

"What the hell are you talking about?! And who is this Red Leader!!" Thomas growled, clutching his gun in both hands.

"Well, I see you dislike him very much. Mind to explain why?" Cobalt asked in a sweet voice.

"Why should I tell you anything?! These three don't even know!" Thomas shouted, ready to shoot this guy at any moment.

"Well, I think Red Leader should know before you find out who he is and kill him. Hmm..?"

1084 words
ooooo cliff hanger..? No..? Okay.

I'm getting to chapter eight right now so there may be another chapter publish straight after this one.

(( I currently have no wifi and nothing to do so I'm writing!))

Have a nice day/night! Love you all ❤️

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