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- A S S I S T A N T -

Edward and Mathew stood tall and stood by the wall of their room. They giggled like the childish people they were, awaiting for what to do.

Thomas had a smile painted on his lips. He looked over Edward and Mathew, chuckling a bit. "Okay, hmm... one.. and a two.. and three.." he said, chuckling more as he couldn't help it.

Edward and Mathew jumped forward.



And three times.

They I pulled out their guns, which were just there hands held together to make some sort of pistol. The two of them giggled, pointing the guns at Thomas.

He put his hands up, laughing. Thomas couldn't help it. "Oh no.. whatever would I do now? These spys have gotten me..!!" The eyeless make chuckled.

Edward stepped closer, smiling. "We are here to destroy you, and whatever sort of small army you have here..." he giggled, motioning his head to a few plushes.

Thomas chuckled, playfully pouting. "Aww dang it... I like my army though..."

Meanwhile, Pau was walking down the long and many hallways of the base. Heading to a specific three person room.

He nodded at soldiers he passed, as a small greeting. They all smiled back, continuing to do whatever task they were doing.

Pau knocked on the door, and without even waiting he opened the door.

All three of them, Thomas, Edward and Mathew were running around and laughing. Edward and Mathew chasing Thomas around.

He snickered, but clapped his hands sarcastically. The three stopped, standing quickly in a line and saluted Pau.

"At ease, Anyways I came in here to retrieve Thomas." Pau said, walking into the room.

Edward and Mathew looked confused..

Pau sighed. "He's moving rooms. And is moving up quite a bit in ranks. One of Red Leaders higher officials you could say.." he explained briefly before looking back at Thomas. "And Thomas, pack your things quickly.. I'll wait outside.."

Thomas nodded, saluting and walked around the room collecting his things. Which was pretty easy. Meanwhile, Pau just walked out the room, closing the door and waited for Thomas to walk out.

Edward stood beside Thomas. "Tom, you better tell us everything at the next lunch period" he said, quite curious of what was even going on.

Thomas nodded. "I will Edd, just keep Matt safe and try not to go into any wars just yet..."

Edward nodded. "Alright Tom, see you whenever the next time we meet is.."

Thomas nodded, hugging Edward and Mathew before waving goodbye and walked out the room, closing the door behind him.

"Ready?" Pau asked, pushing himself off the wall he previously was leaning against.

Thomas nodded. "Ready as ever. Can you tell me what's happening?" He asked, following Pau when they started to walk.

Pau shook his head. "Nah, Red can.."

Thomas sighed, but nodded. He glanced around, not use to these areas of the base. Continuing to follow Pau.

Pau stopped walking, standing in front of a dark oak door. A golden label in graved with the words 'Red Leader'

Instead like with Thomas, Pau knocked on the door and waited for a response..

"Come in..!" Came the stern, but tired and lazy reply..

Pau opened the door, motioning Thomas to follow. Which he did. The two stood in front of a desk. Paus arms folded behind his back. Thomas just stood there, holding his stuff. He couldn't even salute or anything..

"Hello son, Thomas is here. You'll need to explain things to him and show him his room. He doesn't know anything by the way.." Pau said, saluting lazily and walked out the room.

Leaving Thomas and Tord alone..

Thomas hummed a bit. "so umm...-"

"Put your stuff in the room over there" Tord said, stopping Thomas from saying another word. "Also, you'll see a new uniform fitted for you. Higher ranks get different uniforms.. anyways, your here because my parents suggested you for the job. To be my assistant..." he mumbled, looking back down at the loads of paper work on his desk. With a soft sigh, he picked up his pen and started to wright..

Thomas nodded, not saying another word. He just walked into the room. It looked like a normal bedroom/office. Had a desk, bookshelves, bed, bathroom, wardrobe. Yeah, all that he needed..

He sighed softly, placing his stuff away which wasn't much. Thomas looked through some drawers, finding a new uniform in one.

Deciding to change now, he made sure the door was locked before he did so. Thomas changed into a navy blue dress shirt with long sleeves, checkered circles on the shoulders. A black vest over that and a tie tucked underneath it. And black nice looking pants.

Thomas looked at himself in the mirror in the bathroom. He didn't like this uniform thing much, but he'll get use to it eventually. Though the colours, he liked those..

He smiled, walking out the bathroom. Then he noticed a weird gadget thing on his bedside table. Thomas picked it up, it was like a black rectangle thing. He pulled it apart, in half, a bright green screen appearing.

"Damn this place is like the future..." Thomas mumbled, looking at all the things this thing did. A holopad, is what we're calling it for now.

Thomas smiled. "Maybe being an assistant isn't too bad..."

896 words

oh mah gawd

This took fricken forever! Had a bit of writing block, but til I got to Pau it just started to flow I guess..

Hopefully the next chapter is out sooner, hopefully next week or somethin..

Thanks for reading, you guys are amazing. Your comments make me laugh and yeah, I'm just really happy..

This chapter could have been posted a few days earlier, but some things came up and I couldn't finish this til now.

I also got an iPad! So that's cool, and a stylus so I can draw on it. So if anyone's wants me to draw somethin for them, just tell me. Because I also have art block right now.. heh

Anyways, thank you guys, cya later

Btw the song up top is just something random—-

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