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4 years ago,

You were introduced to me.

I was naive and gullible.

I didn't know you existed till a friend of mind mentioned about you,

"why would someone like you be part of my life?"

and so I questioned your existence.

All day.

Till I made the decision to learn you more;

see the good in you and;

understand you deeper.

I was no different than any other girl who grew and tamed this tiny thing in her called Crush.

Your name seems to be on my lips everyday.

You came into my dreams every night.

My life simply revolves around you.

By then, I was head over heels for you.

Life goes on but this time, with you in it.

Happiness and Fulfilment were what I felt during that time.

The more I learn about you, the more heartwarming my heart and soul becomes when I thought of you.

You taught me to realise things that I didn't spend time thinking;

You taught me to have various perspectives with a positive outlook;

You taught me to become a better individual in the community.

With that, I fell in love.

As years goes by, you eventually became people's favourite that you spend most of your time with them.

Although it was a dream of yours to make this world, a better place which was admirable that I gave you, my fullest support.

Due to that, we drifted apart.

Though you are doing so well in achieving your dream,

I missed you.

I really do,

so much that I want to snatch you away from the world and have you to myself.

But I can't.

Now I have to fight against the world for you.

I have loved you so much that I'm starting to dislike you;

I have loved you so much that I have to let you go;

I have loved you so much that it hurts me so bad.

I can't bring myself to hate you.

Not now, Not ever.

Although circumstances separates us now,

I'll keep cheering for you;

hold onto you with all my might;

love you more than my heart can beartill my very last breath;

for one day I hope we'll meet along the flowery path that will bring us together.


ps. This love of 4 years is killing me but I simply can't give up yet, not till I meet them.
I can't forsee as to whether I'll see them any sooner but I'll just wait patiently for the right moment to arrive.
When that time comes, I have to be prepared to embrace them tight.

I'm being really emotional for this part. I'm sorry for the sudden surge of emotions. I kept it within me for so long that I had to let it out now.

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