Don't Mess With Ouija Boards

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4. Don't Mess With Ouija Boards

Your name is now Sollux Captor, and you are dealing with your brother's shit once again. He decided it would be a great idea to try and summon spirits with an Ouija board you suspect your father got him, and you have to deal with the consequences. He's going on about some ghost who communicated with him, and how when he said the ghost may have died violently the planchette flew off the board and basically he thinks the ghost flipped out.

So you took away his Ouija board. But while you were arguing about it in his room, you two felt… something enter the room. Neither of you knew what it was, but you knew it was something you didn't mess around with, so you absconded back to your own room.

That was when you told 'Tuna about the weird knocks in your bathroom, and how maybe it was the same ghost? Or it could even be multiple ghosts. That was when he suggested using the Ouija board to find out. You protested; whatever ghost he was communicating with might've seemed nice, but you know there's something- or someone- in this house that isn't so nice. He argued with you and said that neither of you could feel anything right now, and so it might not end up worse than this whole situation already is.

You had sighed and relented, unpacking the board and laying it on the ground between you two. And now you have to ask ghosts questions?

"Come on Thol, you have to put your hand on the planchette," your twin reminds you, and you roll your eyes, placing your hand on it and suddenly feeling really nervous.

You bite your lip, hesitating nervously, then ask, "Um… are there any thpiritth with uth right now?

Your name is Eridan Ampora and you are stuck in a dilemma. On one hand, you really, really want to mess with Sollux and Mituna (your brother informed you the other twin is called), but on the other hand, your father forbid you to mess with them.

What great choices you have.

You sigh and mutter, "Fuck it," before moving Sol's hand to "YES". Oh look at that, you have a nickname for him- you must be growing fond of him. Shut up, inner monologue.

Sol just scowls and mutters, "Great."

What a dick.

"How many ghothtth (haha he means ghosts, that fuckin' lisp though) are there in thith houthe?" Mituna asks, looking around as if to suddenly see ghosts. Amateur.

You look at Cronus, hesitating, "Should wwe tell them?"

"I don't care; you're the one vwith the vwooden thing," he replies, shrugging.

You groan and move his hand to the number "3", deciding that your father's going to find out no matter what. Your father… Orpheus seems to always have eyes around the house. No matter what you're doing, or what Cronus is doing, or perhaps what the new family is doing, he always seems to know. Orpheus actually seems to be able to turn invisible. Not like you and Cronus can, being invisible to humans, but invisible to even ghosts. It's actually kind of creepy.

Nonetheless, while you were thinking about that, Sol and Tuna had both frozen up, Sol frowning slightly. "Tho… are you Cronuth?" he asks, raising an eyebrow.

You sigh and put his hand on "NO". Really, this process is so slow. You wish you could just appear to them and tell them everything, but you can't because of stupid ghost rules. Nobody told you there would be ghost rules when you died. Instead, you have to use this Ouija bullshit to communicate. You sigh dramatically, and Cronus just rolls his eyes at you. What an asshole.

"What'th your name then?" Sol asks, raising an eyebrow, then adding hastily, "Wait, ith Cronuth the one in my bathroom or are you or ith it the third ghotht?"

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