Why Douchebags Shouldn't Be Allowed On Laptops

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8. Why Douchebags Shouldn't Be Allowed On Laptops

Your name is Sollux Captor and you are pretty fucking furious. You have walked in on, of all people (or ghosts), fucking ERIDAN on your LAPTOP. You don't like anyone messing around on your laptop, first of all, but the fact that he did it while you weren't home, while he KNEW you weren't home, and without your permission?

You stomp over to your laptop and literally wrench his hands away from your laptop, resulting in a pained yelp and him fully appearing. He looks scared. Good. He should be.

"What. The. FUCK. Were you doing on my laptop?" you ask in a low voice, holding his wrists captive as you glare at him.

"I wwasn't doin' anythin', Sol- OW!" he yelps again as you twist his wrists.

"I repeat. What were you doing on my laptop?" you hiss, but untwist his wrists.

"I wwas just lookin' through some files, okay?! But I didn't mess wwith anythin', I swwear!" he whines, trying to tug his wrists out of your grip to no avail. It's like he's forgotten he can just disappear. That's pretty dumb.

"And you didn't fuck anything up, right?" you tighten your grip on his wrists just barely, and he groans in pain.

"Yes, yes! I didn't fuck anythin' up, all right?" He's still trying to tug his wrists out of your grip.

"Good," you snap and let go of him.

He jumps away from you, then goes over to the bed, scowling and rubbing his wrists. "You could'vve just asked nicely, you knoww," he grumbles, looking down.

You sit down in your chair and start closing any windows he opened. "You could've jutht dithappeared again, you know," you reply as condescendingly as you can, scowling at your screen.

He flushes in embarrassment, and you sigh. "Thorry for hurting you," you mumble, not making eye contact.

"Hurtin' me? Sol, I'm a ghost. I can't feel pain," he says as he sort of smiles, and it's your turn to flush in embarrassment. Of course he can't feel pain, why did you try and hurt him to get answers? Well, you were angry, but still…

You sigh and say, "Thtill, I'm thorry."

"It's fine," he mumbles back, and you two settle into a comfortable silence for a while as you get to work on some programs.

Eridan nearly scares the shit out of you when he sneaks up behind you unintentionally and asks, "Wwhat are you doin'?"

You yelp, but manage to recover your breathing a minute later and say, "Coding."

"Wwhat's that?"

"It'th… putting together different componenth… it'th… how do I explain it…? It'th like creating programth that do different thingth for your computer."

"Is that wwhat all those zeroes an' ones on your background are?"


After that, he goes back to your bed and leaves you alone in another comfortable silence.

It startles both of you when your phone goes off in your pocket, and you pull it out. You don't recognize the number, but you answer it anyway, "Hello?"

"Is this Sollux?"

"Aradia? Ith that you?" You lean back in your computer chair, raising an eyebrow. Eridan is giving you a weird look, but you ignore him.

"Sollux! I'm so glad I caught you. Hey, are you busy right now?"

"Um- I, uh, no. Why?"

"I was wondering if I could come over so we can work on our project! I would offer for you to come over instead, but my mom's at work and probably wouldn't want some boy I just met to come over today."

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