Why Are We All Lost

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not a lot happening here but hey next chapter should be a doozy!! lets get that action ball rolling and maybe stuff will happen that isnt just everybody getting together whoops. im looking forward to finishing this story tho so wooo! excitement! thanks for sticking w me this far!


Your name is Mituna Captor, and you can protect yourself. "Lithen, lady, you think you can threaten uth and all that, but I'll fight you right now. I don't even care, let'th fight," you say, fuming as you put your fists up. She killed Cronus. She's gotta go.

She laughs in your face. Again. "Awwwwwwww, you think you can fight me? Trust me hon, you're no match for me. Your boyfriend certainly wasn't."

At that you see red, and probably would have charged here if Cronus hadn't caught your arms and started pulling you back.

Marie laughs again, then sighs, "Well, you're sort of entertaining, but that's enough. I supposed I have to kill you now."

"Vwait, no, hang on, vwhat if- vwhat if you didn't do that?" Cronus offers, pulling you closer and closer to the door. It's doing nothing though, and you need to act fast-

"You're stalling," she states, looking bored already as she advances on you, cracking her knuckles. "Unfortunately, I don't have my sword on me- well, fortunate for you, I suppose- but I can knock you out until I'm able to get my sword. A lady has to have some class, you know!"

Cronus is pretty strong, but he's distracted enough- what kind of lady has a freakin' sword- and you wrestle free long enough to grab the nearest thing, which happens to be a computer monitor- and swing it towards the rude lady's head.


She goes down in one fell swoop, making a loud thud as she hits the floor and doesn't move again.

"Shit," Cronus mumbles from behind you.

"Shit," you respond in kind, hesitating for a second before crouching down next to her, in case she's faking. Then you take a look at the monitor, which has a giant crack webbing its way across the screen. She's definitely not faking it.

You pause, then lay two fingers on her neck- "Oh thank fuck, she'th alive. Holy shit, what would I do if I had killed her? Oh my God, would I be a murderer? I could go to jail for that, or even thith, oh my fuck-"

"Hey, shhh, calm down, it's fine. She's alivwe, you can chill out, okay? And you need to, because vwe have to get out of here and find our dads before anything else can possibly go vrwong-" Cronus murmurs, nudging the monitor away and pulling you up by the arm and out of the room. You stumble through the many hallways clinging to Cronus's hand on your arm, trying to find a way out of this maze and towards your family.


Your name is Eridan Ampora and you're still in the closet with your maybe kind of boyfriend Sollux, who after sucking the soul out of you, told you all about his dead mom he thought was dead and then is not and how it traumatized him.


"Sol, I'm... sorry. About evverything. About bein' super shitty towwards you, back before I kneww you, 'cause I didn't knoww all that stuff about your mom," you offer, playing with the carpeted floor with one hand.

"It'th fine, you didn't know. I mean, you shouldn't be a dick to people probably, but granted I did jutht move into the houthe were you grew up and got murdered, tho," you can see his partial shrug in the darkness as he speaks.

"It be like that sometimes."

There's a pause, and although your eyes have pretty much adjusted to the absence of light, you still can't see super well, but you're 100% sure he's giving you a patented Sollux Captor "Are you fucking theriouth?" look.

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