The Chapter With Most of the Action (Finally)

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22.      The Chapter With Most of the Action (Finally)

It's been so long since I've updated ): I'm so sorry. Everything's been getting in the way like school, writer's block, life in general, WRITER'S BLOCK, some more school, and writer's block. Man, fuck writer's block. Also I've been binge-watching Legend of Korra and The Walking Dead, so... yeah, no excuse for that. Sorry this chapter is so short too, I just wanna get it out there.


Your name is still Sollux Captor, if you’re reading this chapter right after the end of the previous one. If not, you’re just Sollux Captor. Fuck the fourth wall.

Anyway, you’re trying to walk hurriedly downtown with your family and ghosty friends while looking as casual as possible. You really don’t think it’s working, but whatever. It’s hard to look casual when you know your friend(???) could be in trouble. Your idiot friend. Fucking Eridan.

You sigh and turn to your father, “You know there’th no way he could’ve gotten in the front. You’d think the Mayor would have the ghotht-theeing lady at the front, jutht in cathe…”

“That’s a good point, but how else would he get in?” your father asks, raising an eyebrow.

“There’s a back entrance. I know this ‘cause for years I had to sneak in the back for town business, but I had to avoid the Mayor,” Orpheus interrupts. “It’s literally right in the back, but I can lead you to it.”

“Yeah, that’d be fine,” Simon replies, smiling at him. Hmmmm.

You all reach the back and make it to the big double doors. Why do they need double doors for the back? Actually, you’ve always wanted double doors.

Nonetheless, you peek in the windows in the doors, checking for anybody. When all you see is some secretary at the desk, you gesture to Simon and open one of the doors.

When you, Mituna, and Simon walk in, the secretary smiles at the three of you and asks, “Can I help you?”

“We’re just looking for some old files. It’s for my job,” Simon quickly covers, smiling back.

“Alrighty, and what files do you need?”

“Some property files.”

“Okay, it’s just down that hallway there, and the door is labeled. You’ll find it!”

“Alright, thank you,” Simon says, then you and Mituna follow him down said hallway, searching for any trace of Eridan. He would’ve come in invisible, there’s no way he would risk getting caught.

As Orpheus and Cronus float behind you three, you study the doors you pass by. They all look the same, even though some have labels and some don’t, but it’s next to impossible to find your way out of this place when everything looks the same, as you had learned a while ago.

Storage room, storage room, staff room, storage room…

This is starting to get a little repetitive, and you think you would’ve found Eridan by now.


Your name is Eridan Ampora and last we left you, you were at a cliffhanger. How fun.

Well, here you are. Not really though. The last thing you remember is some blurry figures, then getting hit in the head, you think? What is it with your family’s affinity for getting hit in the head and then captured?

You’ve gotta getcha head in the game.

Anyway, you blearily open your eyes, but- oh. A blindfold.

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