A Completely Different Chapter, But School Still Sucks

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7. A Completely Different Chapter, But School Still Sucks

Your name is Mituna Captor and it is now the beginning of the school day on the first day of school for you. Sollux had just parked in the parking lot, and you both have to get some packets from the office before parting ways.

With Computers first, you grin and make your way to the classroom. Computers and anything electronic have always been your forte, Sollux's too. It makes you glad that you have such an easy class so early in the morning. You walk into the classroom, hoping to see Sollux in there- which is stupid, considering he went the opposite way of where you were going when he got his packet- but he isn't, so you turn to the teacher instead.

The teacher is extremely short and looks bored all the time and, you learn, speaks in a monotone.

"Welcome to this school and this class. You can take a seat right next to Ms. Pyrope over there," he says, oh and there's the monotone. You turn to see someone with red glasses and long black hair waving excitedly at you, sitting next to another girl who looks just like her but with shorter hair, different glasses and a cane?

You wave back and go to sit down, putting your backpack down and turning to face Ms. Pyrope. "Hi there," you say, grinning.

"Hey there! I'm Latula, and this is my lil sis, Terezi," she says, smiling back and gesturing to the girl sitting next to her.

"Hello, stranger," Terezi says, not turning to look at you but grinning at her monitor.

"I'm Mituna," you reply, smiling before turning to your computer and getting started on work. Latula turns to hers as well and starts typing quickly.

The rest of class passes by slowly, Latula occasionally turning to speak to you or Terezi. You learn she loves giving high-fives and skateboarding, and you love skateboarding too so you get along well.

By the end of class she's declared you "radical" enough and gives you her number on a skateboard sticky note, which you put in your backpack with a vivid blush.

Next is AP Chemistry, but you don't see Sollux in this class either, which disappoints you. You hope he's in at least one of your classes, but when you go to AP English, he's not in there either. But Latula is, and you sit next to her. She introduces you to Kankri, who wears a bright red sweater and talks way too much for you to take in.

The teacher cuts Kankri off mid-sentence when she starts talking and he glares at her, and to your surprise, the teacher glares right back at him. She must be used to dealing with him.

The way she talks makes you think she's irritated and stressed all the time- which must be pretty accurate for most teachers, you realize. Wow.

That class stays quiet until one person speaks a bit too loudly while the teacher is talking, and the teacher goes off on them, yelling at them how important it is to stay quiet in class, which is ironic enough. Nonetheless, the rest of the class learns to stay quiet while the teacher is talking.

After that class, it's lunch time. You grab your lunch and look around for Sollux, but you see him sitting with a bunch of new friends, including Latula's sister, so you decide to wander around until you find Latula or somebody.

You do find her, sitting with Kankri and a bunch of people you don't recognize. You bite your lip and make your way over, then ask, "Hey Tula, can I thit with you?" You don't really care about your lisp, Sollux is the one that cares more about that.

"Sure!" she replies, grinning, scooting over and patting the space beside her. You sit down and wave to everybody else.

"Hey," you say, smiling.

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