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Two - Call Out My Name

My arms and legs were already aching as I helped Abigail push the food trolley around. I didn't want to admit it but my mother was sort of right. Working in a mental institution was not very fun. It was only my third day and I was already feeling a tinge of regret for taking the job. But if I did quit, what would I do? I had already resigned from the convenience store I used to work in. My manager there already hated me before he even hired me so I doubted he would take me back after I told him I wanted out.

"Are you having second thoughts already?" Abigail pushed a tray of food through the small slot in the door. The patient inside yelled thank you but Abigail ignored it and simply ushered me to keep following her.

"No. I like it here."

"I keep secrets well."

"To be honest, a little bit."

She smiled knowingly. "Working here isn't that bad. You just feel that way because you're still under my supervision. Other people also felt the same way until I was no longer their supervisor."

"What's going to be the difference if I don't have you to supervise me around? Well, other than the fact that I won't be supervised."

"Well, for one, you'll have the freedom to do things by yourself. With someone else around, you are constantly under pressure from someone breathing down your back whenever you try and do something. Just understand that it is necessary."

I nodded even though I didn't fully understand her. I kept my mouth shut for the whole day, wanting to get everything done and over with. Abigail had been nice, but she was right about the freedom thing. After getting a taste of what it was like to roam about the asylum without someone bossing you around every couple of seconds, it was hard to go around following Abigail like a lost puppy and obeying her every command.

"Alright, sign out and you're free to go home. I've gotta go check up on a patient first. Goodnight, Ophelia."

I nodded and watched as Abigail walked up the stairs. I couldn't help but slump and sigh in relief. It was time to finally go home and come back the next day without having to follow a supervisor around all day long.

I jolted when I heard my name being called at from the end of the hallway. I turned my head to see who had called me only to see that there was no one there. The voice had been so loud and clear it could not possibly have been my imagination.


There it was again. I slowly started to walk down the hallway. I was convinced that it was not my imagination the second time. It was definitely someone calling out my name. The way he said it had been weird, though. It was like the person was half whispering and half mumbling. It was almost entrancing.

"Hello?" I called out as I neared the end of the hallway. I only stopped when I felt goosebumps start to form all over me. The hair on the back of my neck stood. I sensed movement to my right so I quickly whipped my head to the right. There was nothing there but a door to a patient's room. Room 13.

I stepped closer to the door. I was sure the former patient assigned to room 13 had been let go only a few days ago when I was still a volunteer at the asylum.

The small windows on the door had no lock on it so anyone could have easily peeked into the window to see who was inside. It was an invasion of privacy but Adeline insisted that it was essential in case an emergency happened.

I thought it was stupid. The corridors were always empty. Security only checked on the patients every one hour. The patients could easily do anything in the long period of time in between.

Inhumane Seduction (Vampire Romance-on hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now