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Sixteen - The Wicked War

I couldn't help but blush when I saw Xander walk across the garden with the tall woman named Athalia. Genevieve had mentioned to me she was one of Xander's close family member who had come to visit him to tell him some news. As a result, the trip that Xander had promised me had to be delayed to later in the afternoon. I didn't mind, though, because I needed time to myself anyway.

I had another inappropriately erotic dream of Xander again, and this time, he had gone down on me. Every time I thought about him I could feel my stomach tingling. Maybe the incident in his office had spurred it on. The mere memory of it had me squeezing my thighs in excitement. He had been pressed so close against me.

'Remember what I said, Ophelia. The next time you break my rule, I won't hold back on punishing you.'

I pursed my lips to hold off my smile as I leapt onto my bed face first. I hugged my pillow close to me, making sure I didn't smear any lip balm on it. Why was I having erotic dreams of my kidnapper? Mind you, the dreams had been going on before he even kidnapped me. You would think the fact he had kidnapped me would make the dreams go away, but no, it had gotten even stronger and leaves me feeling like the lewdest person in the world when I wake up in the morning. It felt so real. I could still feel the trail of wet kisses on my inner thighs.

"Miss Fawn." A curly haired servant entered my room. "Good morning. Would you like your breakfast here in your bedroom or down in the dining room?"

I immediately sat up when she entered and smiled. "In the dining room will be fine."

"Shall I escort you now?"

I wanted to snicker underneath my breath. Why was it that everybody in Deathfall seemed to speak so posh and proper? It wasn't the Elizabethan Era.

I politely nodded and then followed her to the dining room where I sat on one of the chairs. The same servant poured me a cup of hot lavender tea that soothed my inside immediately. A hot drink was the perfect way to warm yourself up in the morning, especially when it felt as though you were living in the North Pole.

I ate a little bit of egg and sausage but just didn't have the appetite to finish it so I ended up refilling my cup with some lavender tea again. The taste was slightly sweet and fresh. I could smell a hint of mint in there. Whoever had made the tea knew what they were doing.

As I was sipping on the drink I heard voices from the back door leading to the garden. I turned to see Xander and Athalia entering the building. They noticed me straight away. Athalia, like Xander, was stunning in her own way.

Athalia's eyes were amber. They were the colour of honey. They were just as striking as Xander's. She wore a yellow long-sleeved gown that reached down to the ground, just barely grazing the floor as she walked. Her form was petite and her legs were impossibly long so she pulled the look without any problem. Both of their hair was the same dark brown colour. Athalia's hair was pulled up into a half bun, framing her almond shaped face.

I stood, not knowing what to do to be polite the Deathfall way. Xander immediately picked up my confusion and spoke. "Athalia, this is my guest, Ophelia. Ophelia, this is Athalia, a relative of mine from Redwater."

Athalia smiled warmly at me. She looked extremely stunning up close. I suspected straight away that she was a vampire. Her skin was pale and soft like porcelain. She looked as though she could crack open if she fell from a height too high.

Her walk was graceful like she didn't even need to move her feet to actually move. It looked as if she was floating mid-air. I had to take a second look to make sure her feet were actually touching the ground. The only indication that she wasn't floating was the fact that I could hear the quiet, dull thudding of her heels on the wooden floor.

Inhumane Seduction (Vampire Romance-on hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now