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Twenty six - Trapped

"Why didn't you tell me?"

Genevieve frowned. She had been pulling that face a lot lately. "Because it shouldn't have come from me or that Kyle boy or anyone else but Lord Deathfall. The boy shouldn't have told you. It wasn't his place."

"I would've found out anyway. Besides, I would've gone batshit crazy if I found out from an invitation card or something."

"Enough, Ms Fawn," she snapped.

I huffed, sitting down on one of the dining chair. I didn't feel like arguing, not only because it was nearing midnight and I was yawning every 10 seconds but also because I didn't want Xander to hear me from his office upstairs. I wonder what he could've been doing in his office so late.

"Let us not dwell on the past and move on."

No one really knew of how close I had gotten to Xander. I suspected Kyle knew something was up because he had helped Xander in writing the letter he sent me back when I was still in Charon's cottage, but I was convinced he was tight lipped when it came to matters like that.

Genevieve was a smart woman for sure but I seriously couldn't tell whether she suspected anything was brewing between me and Xander.

No one, though, knew of our handholding and intimate gestures. No one knew of our witty remarks and times spent pressed teasingly against each other in his office and bedroom. I was definitely sure no one knew of the time he put his finger in my mouth either because the news would've spread like wildfire already.

Genevieve finished her cleaning and then stalked out the kitchen with me following behind like a lost puppy. "Ms Fawn, you should head back to your room. You don't need anyone here seeing you in such clothing. Goodnight."

I nodded, smiling. The mansion was quiet now. All the servants had already retreated into their rooms and I was left standing at the bottom of the stairs, staring at the front door.

For a second I thought about slamming the front door open and running as fast as I could down the road but I suspected Xander wouldn't have had any trouble finding me and bringing me back. Besides, what good would it do if I didn't even know where the portal back to Tarmsworth was? It was far more dangerous to be roaming around out there than in Xander's mansion and to be honest I didn't quite know whether I even wanted to go back to the depressing town. What was left for me there?

I ascended the stairs, my legs feeling heavier and heavier each step I took. I couldn't believe Xander was getting married. He wasn't just getting married to someone ordinary like me either. He was going to get married to a royal. Would he still stay a Lord?

I was halfway to yawning when a voice spoke up, taking me by surprise. "Ophelia, why are you still awake?"

I turned, seeing Xander emerge from the hallway. To my surprise, he was still dressed in a casual outfit that consisted of a black button-up shirt and a pair of black pants. That was definitely not something you would wear to sleep. I, on the other hand, was wearing a pair of winter boots and dressed in my silk nightgown.

"I can say the same to you, Lord Deathfall."

His eyebrow raised at my statement. I silently hoped he wasn't going to invite me into his bedroom and end up fucking me the whole night because that would be catastrophic. I would've had a very hard time looking at his soon-to-be wife in the eyes. Would I even get a chance to meet her?

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