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Twenty four - Open Wide

I must've fallen asleep in the car on the way back to Deathfall because when I woke up I was on a bed that was all too familiar. I took in the sight of the bay window and sighed in relief. I could finally breathe freely again.

Just to double check I really was in Deathfall, I walked over to the window and looked out. It was the same willow tree in the backyard.

I leant against the glass, enjoying the way the coldness of it seemed to seep through my fingertips.

I could just faintly remember what happened the night before. I remembered falling asleep from exhaustion. When we arrived I could remember that it was already dark. Someone, I think Xander, carried me up to my old bedroom and laid me on the bed.

It wasn't Xander, though, that had changed me into a nightgown, that was for sure. It was a woman's fingers—nimble and lithe. They were soft, not calloused and firm.

A knock sounded at the door. I turned, half expecting it to be Xander. I wasn't at all disappointed though when I saw Genevieve come in. I had missed her more than I expected. Just seeing her there made me want to break down and cry in happiness.

"Genevieve!" I yelped, bounding up to her and embracing her in a tight hug. Maybe it was a little dramatic, but I really did miss her. She was like a mother to me already.

I was careful not to press my injured arm against anything. It had been covered with some bandage. I suspected it was Genevieve's work too. She was always neat and careful with everything.

She nervously chuckled. "Welcome back, Ms Fawn. It is wonderful to have you back." She pulled away and squeezed my shoulders gently.

"It's great to be back."

"Ms Fawn, it is nearing noon. I would suggest taking a bath and coming downstairs to have some lunch. Your clothes are in the bathroom."

I had missed her posh talking. I glanced at the clock on the wall and nodded. "Yeah. I'm gonna shower and go down. Thanks, Gen."

She smiled wider and I couldn't help but smile when I saw the faint wrinkles beside her eyes and on her cheeks. I had no doubt in my mind that she was once a very attractive woman that could've had any man worshipping the ground she walked on.

I wanted to take a shower but Genevieve insisted that taking a bath would make sure the burn didn't get wet. She said keeping it dry would fasten the healing process so I did what she said. After, I dressed in a pair of dark pants and a grey long-sleeved cotton sweater and went downstairs to eat.

Back in Charon's cottage, I couldn't bring myself to eat as much no matter how much I tried. The feeling of anxiety and impatience had me feeling on edge almost all the time. Now that I was free from that, though, my appetite was slowly coming back. For once in a few days, I actually found the idea of gobbling down some food good.

Some of the servants that I had known from before flashed me an unsure smile when they walked past. Some even welcomed me back to Deathfall. Some of them looked genuinely happy that I was back.

As I sat on the dining table, finishing my food I noticed a certain curly haired boy in the backyard, sitting on a bench alone. I watched as he hung his head down, fiddling with something on his lap. He almost looked distressed.

When I finally finished my food I watched Kyle. What was he up to?

I almost had a heart attack when he suddenly morphed into a raven. I stood and ran to the backyard, watching as the raven stood on the bench. When it saw me it immediately turned back into a human. Kyle, to be exact. His face was red like he was extremely embarrassed he had been caught.

Inhumane Seduction (Vampire Romance-on hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now