Thus with a kiss.

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It was inevitable, we all knew this day would come. I mean we all knew how sick he was, i just wish i had of had more time with him. Unfortunately death runs on its own clock and doesn't seem to care for other peoples life schedules. I was sad, so sad but I had no tears to shed. My mind was running at a million times per second. It felt like i was trying to run away from this whole mess but my feet were glued to the floor beneath me, forcing me to face this hell on earth know was reality. Even though there were people around I felt alone, this didn't feel real. It couldn't be. The one person i needed right now was the one I would never see again. Never.

This thought made my stomach feel like it was being ripped out of me. That's when i started to cry. I took a few steps back, leaving the crowded room and stumbling into the dark hallway. My back hit the wall and I fell to the floor coughing and sobbing all at once. This wasn't sadness, it was pain. I felt like it was me against the world and the world was winning 100-0.

A nurse passed me asking if I was ok but despite her kind manner, I couldn't speak, I couldn't even look up at the sweet woman. - Of course I wasn't 'ok', this situation was not 'ok' my life was falling apart one painfully slow piece at a time. I felt like I was being punished for something I was unaware of.

In the middle of my fucked up thoughts my phone buzzed causing me to jump, the light on the screen was way too bright for this dark hallway. My stomach dropped further as I realised the name on the screen read - Calum. I thought about hitting ignore but as much as I didn't want to speak to him, I needed him now more than I ever thought I would. Right when I answered the phone words began to spill from his mouth..


Hey guys so this is my first fanfic so please bare with me lol! I know its not great but it'll hopfully get better over time and as i get more comfortable writing.

Thanks a million to anyone reading this, lots of love- Emma x

Twitter: @official_memma

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