Kacchan's pride

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~5 weeks later because I'm a lazy sack of potatoes.~

Bakugou's POV

I finally went back to class. The same boring routine .The same boring lesson. The same boring faces. I just stopped paying attention.

I just want Deku to be okay.

Still no word from the hospital. They didn't let me or that fucking canadian flag bitch see him after the small incident that happened. The only way I can see how Midoriya is doing is by asking Gravity girl.

I don't even know why she tells me. I've been rude to her the whole school year. Actually, no, scratch that. I've been rude to everyone this school year. Are they scared of me?


She says he's doing okay and he woke up, but he needed to rest a little more. This was 2 weeks ago. I haven't heard from her since. I asked her but she says, 'I don't know' or 'I can't quite remember' in this fucking annoying high pitched voice. Also known as her normal voice.

I even tried asking the control freak about Izuku, but apparently he doesn't know either. At this point Im just going to sneak into the hospital.

That's not a bad idea.

~After Class~

I started to rush home with a dumb smile on my face. The kind Kaminari makes when he uses his quirk. I wondered if he missed me. I hope he does. I'll kill that fucking cunt of a villain for what he's done.

Once I got there, I searched in the kitchen cabinets to find hot chocolate packs. I found one,but that's all I need. There's no way I can screw this up.

And some-fucking-how I did. I banged my head on the counter and shortly regretted it. Great, now I have to go to the damn store. I'm losing time to spend with him.

I headed over to the supermarket,and to my surprise I see several other classmates there.

"The hell are you all here for?" I barked.

"We all decided to get Midoriya a gift! The doctors are finally letting people visit him again!" Kirishima said.

And no one tells me this?

"I'm gonna get him a body pill-" Mineta started but then was cut off by a "NO" from everyone else.

"Geez fine." He pouted.

"Whatever." I said heading over to the hot beverage section. Then I saw the bastard. Holding a hot chocolate pack, the last one.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me." I mumble under my breath.

It's not like violence is going to do any good here. The only thing I think I can do is..beg him.

I gagged even at the thought of it. Me? Begging half and half? Now that's a funny joke. But it's my only shot at me getting that hot chocolate for him. For Izuku.

"Hey, half and ha- I mean Torodoki, could I have that hot chocolate?"

"What for?" He asks.

"I just want a gift to give Deku."

"No way. Have fun getting some elsewhere, mate."

This bitch..What if I try Deku's puppy dog eyes trick on him?

"Pweaseeee?~" I say trying to be as cute as possible.

"Ew, what are you doing?" He questioned. "You're trying to smile way too hard."

"I'll stop if you give me the hot chocolate." I said

"Fine,but on one condition."


"Anything." I pleaded.

"Say you're not the best hero and let everyone from our class here record it."

This one's gonna leave a scar on my pride.

"Fucking whatever. YO DIPSTICKS COME OVER HERE." I hollered.

Surprisingly, they all came.

"I'm not going to be a number one hero." I look at Torodoki's phone

Everyone looked confused, and Kirishima looked worried. "But, Bakubro didn't you say-"

"I know what I said, Kirishima. Alright people go back to buying your stuff." I put my hand out to receive the hot chocolate,payed for it then left,Kirishima soon followed.

"Bro, I'm not gonna make fun of you, that was hella manly!"

"Uh-huh." I said plainly. "Whatever."

I walked faster so he would get the message that I don't want to talk with him after that. For once he walked away to join the other students that were leaving. I used my quirk to get there before them. Once I got there I sat down and waited for a nurse to say that I could see him now.

I tapped my foot impatiently. I couldn't wait, but I'll have to in order to not get kicked out. Finally,after what felt like 30 minutes, a nurse says I can see him.

As I rushed in, I saw a well-looking Deku smiling at me. The cute smile I've been wanting to see for a long time. His cute freckles, his fluffy hair, and those big green eyes. All as I remember.

"Hi, Kaachan!"

I missed his voice. How adorable it was. I couldn't resist hugging him tightly. He hugged back. I could feel that he missed me.

"Wait a minute,aren't you one of the boys that made a fight in here?"

"A fight?" Izuku turned to me.

"Half and half was being his normal annoying self." I responded.

"As much as I love you, don't start fights with anyone unless it's a villain." He scolds.

"Finee.." I pout.

"Oh! Did we defeat the bad guy?"

"No, the sucker ran away.If I ever cross paths with him he'll be nothing but ashes. I promise you." I kissed his forehead.

"Ahem. I'm sorry but I'm going to ask you to leave if you are the boy who was in that fight."

"It's alright, he can stay." Midoriya says.

" Alright,but if more objects get broken I will call security and you may not come in here again."

I rolled my eyes as she walked out.

"How have you been, babe?" His cheeks got red when I called him that.

"O-oh. It was alright. I don't like hospital food that much."

"What did they serve you?" I asked.

"Mostly this bland,tasteless chicken with weird tasting potatoes."

"Sounds gross." I reply.

"It's worse than it sounds."

We both laugh for a while until a knock is at the door.

"Midoriya, your mom is here to see you."

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