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Midoriya's Pov

Aizawa went on about training tactics while I wrote some stuff down. I couldn't help but feel eyes on me.

Two sets of eyes.

I turned to try to find out who they belonged to. I saw Kacchan looking in my direction, but then he turned away from me.

I quickly turned to try to find the other set of eyes but I couldn't find them. Everyone else was paying attention.

I wonder why Kacchan was staring at me. Did he possibly.. like me?

"Ugh Midoriya,what are you saying?"

"I don't know, what are you saying?" Aizawa asked. I looked up to see him and the rest of  the class staring at me.

I think I just died a little inside.

"S-sorry." I said,stuttering.

"Please pay attention in the future,I expected more from you, Midoriya."

Aizawa continued his lesson and people looked back at the front to the room. Kacchan's eyes were still on me.

He tossed on paper to me. 'The hell are you muttering to yourself for?'

I wrote back,'Just thinking about fighting strategies,why?' Toss

Toss 'Yeah because when ever I think about fighting strategies I start blushing and have a fucking orgasm in my seat.'

Though Bakugou's handwriting is thicker than most people's, it's still neat.

'I think you're imaging things..' Toss.

Toss 'Oh, so you're calling me a liar now huh ,Deku?'

I felt hairs stand up on the back of my neck.

'No. Sorry, Kacchan.' Tos-

Aizawa sensei took the paper,read it to himself in his head (Thank god!), ripped it, then he threw it in the trash.  

"Midoriya. Bakugou. You now both have lunch detention."

I felt my heart sink. Kacchan's gonna kill me. So much for no physical violence this year.

"Nice going, Shitty Deku." I heard him mumble.

Hang on a sec, he threw the paper at me first! I could've ignored it, but then again he'd be pissed about that, wouldn't he? This was a lose-lose situation for me.

I guess it was both our faults, yet I can't say that to his face.

"Sorry Aizawa and Kacchan. It was me who bothered him. Just give me lunch detention. I deserve it." I said, trying to redeem myself .

Everyone looked at me shocked. I wouldn't blame them. An A+ student promising to do his best and then slacking off, only to talk to his rival.

"Very well, I'm glad you confessed. I'll see you only at lunch then, Midoriya.
Something told me he isn't convinced. This is the first time I've ever lied. I felt terrible. It hurt that I lied to somebody I trusted.

I sat down for the last ten minutes of class,then left to get my lunch and return to room 1-A. Kacchan followed me there.

"Izuku, wait!"

I froze in my tracks then started melting. I felt my cheeks get hotter.

"Did..you..just call m-me.."

"By my actual name, Kacchan?!"

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