Kirishima saves relationships as much as civilians.

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※Bakugou's POV※

"WHERE THE FUCK IS THAT LITTLE SHIT?!" I screamed as I punched my locker with my quirk.

How dare that fucking Shitnerd tell the whole fucking school. After last night of all times. If we cross paths again I'll put him back in the damn hospital.

"Bakubro- I mean okay?"

"The hell does it look like?!" I growl at Kirishima

"Why are you so pissed?"

"Because of FUCKING DEKU." My voice escalated. I punched the locker again and it breaks open.

"What did your boyfriend do this time?" Shitty hair says in a sarcastic tone


"What? About how y'all are dating?" He asks

"We aren't dating anymore. Not after he did that shit." I say as I grab my Math book.

"You're telling me that you guys are gonna break up because he told the school?"

"Yeah." I explained plainly

"Dude...You're telling me you're gonna let the moments you guys had to go waste because he told the school? You do realize someone would find out eventually about your little scandal right?"

"Well it doesn't sound reasonable when you put it like that.." I cross my arms.

"That's because it isn't." He shakes his head in disappointment.

"Che, why do you care anyway?" I scoff at him.

"Because unlike you I'm thinking it through. Imagine how much that will mentally damage him. Plus you fought that villain in his honor."

"I know what i'm doing." I 'close' my locker and stand up.

"Whatever you say. I hope he takes you back when you regret breaking his heart." Kirishima left and went to his locker.

I thought about Kirishima's words until the class bells rang. Perfect. Deku and I have Math with Midnight. I walked up slowly to the class, hopefully I'll see him in the halls.

×Midoriya's POV×

I slowly emerged from the bathroom.

"I wish you the best, Midoriya." Torodoki leaves and goes to his next class. I'm by myself now. I am not prepared to see Kaachan. I don't want to break up with him.

We both have the same class right now. Skipping isn't an option since this is U.A . I'll just run from him then. It's my only option if I don't want to face him.


I couldn't help but feel like someone's eyes are on me. They're Kaachan's. I know they are.

He's waiting for class to end like I am. But we both want it to end for opposite reasons.

After for what felt like hours, class was over. I can already see Kaachan staring at me getting ready to get up. I started running out but he pulls me by my collar and pins me to the wall.

"You can't hide from me forever, Deku."

"Kaachan, I'm sorry. I know that you're livid and honestly want me dead. Please let me explain."

"I'm listening." he softens his grip but doesn't let go.

"One of the days I was still in the hospital and the girls came. I told them and only them. Momo told Mina about what I told her and Monoma heard."

"Why would you tell them?" He looks me in the eye. I could see the betrayal.

"I didn't think any of them would say anything. I know it's a terrible excuse but it's the truth. I-im sorry, Kaachan" I stare right back at his crimson eyes.

"You swear on your life that you aren't lying?"

"I swear, Kaachan. I swear on my life."

Kaachan let's out a deep exhale and let's go of my body. "You know, if it wasn't for Kirishima I would have made a terrible mistake. We would've broken up..''

"Wait..are we still together?" I asked him in complete shock.

"I never said otherwise,so I guess that's a yes." He smirks at me.

"What are we going to do about the school knowing?" I questioned

"Oh, we're gonna get revenge.." He says with a devilish grin.

Sweet, sweet revenge.

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