Why does this story have so many chapters?

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-%No one's POV.%-

"Ah, Midoriya. Y-" Principal Nezu spoke first. The expression on his face was calm and collected, but a hint of disappointment was on his face, he was drinking his cup of tea. (This is your chance to insert your 'tea sis' jokes here.)

"I'm really sorry! I didn't-" Midoriya started, but was quickly cut off from the mouse, polar bear, thing.

"You didn't mean to use your quirk on Monoma? I am quite aware you have problems on controlling your quirk, or at least your level of strength to use it, but that is no excuse to let your anger get the best of you." He gently put down his tea, and stared Midoriya straight in his emerald, fear ridden eyes.

"I know sir, It won't happen again!" Midoriya stood up straight, giving a look of determination and honesty. From the look of Principal Nezu's face, he seemed pleased, just not pleased enough.

"That is very good to hear, I would like for you to visit Monoma in the hospital later today, and apologize to him, I will figure out your punishment for what you've done, you've caused quite a lot of damage."

"T-Thank you, Principal Nezu!" Midoriya then bowed and walked out, only to be greeted by an angry porcupine, otherwise known as Bakugou.

"Heard about what happened, You okay?"

Midoriya was still warming up to hearing Bakugou sound like he cared for Midoriya's well being. "I'm fine, I got carried away though. All Might's probably so upset with me." Midoriya went into a state of panic.

Bakugou folded his arms, sucked his teeth and said, "I'll kill that bastard."


"YOU WANT TO KILL ALL MIGHT?!" Midoriya yelled.


"Oh..I'm sorry that was embarrassing.." Midoriya scratched the back of his head.

"Don't apologize." Bakugou said unfolding his arms.

"Sor-" Midoriya began, but then stopped in his tracks when he realized Bakugou seemed to be walking away. He turned back to give the "C'mere" hand expression. Midoriya quickly caught up with him.

"Y'know we could've gotten revenge on the bastard, but you canceled it. Why is that?" Bakugou finally spoke.

"I thought he was growing to be more kind, but sadly, I knew in my heart he wasn't. I'd still feel bad if we had gone through with the plan." The green hairs boy then looked down at his boots. He couldn't stand thinking about what he had done to Monoma, whether others believed he should have or not.

"No shit he's not a decent person, genius." Bakugou stated, surprisingly coming from him. Midoriya nodded. Bakugou then took a deep breath and the two of them stopped in there tracks. They were right outside of the school. Bakugou then turned to Midoriya and asked,

"Hey, before you do that, would like to go on a date less shitty than before?"

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