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I opened my eyes and was instantly met by a blinding light. I could still feel Thanos' hand wrapped around my neck slowly squeezing my life out in the process, who knew a god could die in such a way? He is a mad titan after all.

I slowly got up ready to meet Hel but I am pretty sure it is not where I am. This place is glorious, filled with pearl white columns with the ground made of gold. I was merely in the hall yet I am already drooling, slowly I started to realize where I am and my eyes widened in shock,

"Valhalla." I breathed

How am I here? I surely do not belong in this place after everything I have done. Maybe this is one of Thanos' mind games again, getting my hopes up so he can bring me down painfully to the ground, this cannot be real.

"This is very real, my son."

I turned around and was met by the eyes of the first woman I have ever loved, the only woman I ever loved, to be honest. She was standing there in all her glory and beauty, she opened her arms and flashed me the very same smile I got from her,

"Mother." I felt like a child as I ran into her arms and cherished the moment "I-I'm sorry mother, I could not save you, I a-am a cruel so-"

She quickly placed her finger on my lips to silence me as her eyes flashed with love and sincerity, "You are no cruel son, Loki. You died a warrior and did what you can to save the people of Asgard and your brother, you are a savior."

I only adored the word 'son' when it comes from her, she has the right to do so and I knew I could not live further if she too had lost hope in me. I looked around the place to see that we are the only ones here which is odd,

"How have you convinced Father to let me into Valhalla?" I asked in which she smirked at

"Your mother needs not to convince me, Loki."  Of course, that booming voice could only belong to non-other than Odin himself. I finally looked further into the hall and saw him sitting on a bigger throne than the one back in Asgard, "Do you not trust my judgment, son?"

I froze as those words slipped off his tongue. I can still remember the day Thor and I went to him only to have him disappear almost immediately. The first time in  years have I ever heard him say that he loved me, I never admitted it but it became music to my ears,

"It is your sympathy I do not trust,"  I spat as Mother and I walked closer to him. He still looks the same apart from the shinier glow that obviously screamed that he is a god.

He did not reply immediately instead he waited until we got closer. I raised my hand to my neck and started rubbing it, I could still feel a pang of pain spreading but not that much. Thor is probably screaming about how foolish I was to pull a dagger against Thanos which was simply a needle to him. I admit that I panicked and it was not like me to do so but seeing Thor in pain is something I did not know I can handle, we may have our own misunderstandings but he still is my brother.

"I always imagined myself dying at the end of a sword or in a great battle over seidr," I dramatically said as I pictured myself as the sorcerer I always imagined myself to be, "But perhaps I do not deserve such glorious death."

I faked a smile as Mother placed a gentle hand on my neck to check the injury that purple buffoon left on me. She sighed to herself before cupping the side of my face forcing me to look at her in the process,

"Why did you not tell us?" Mother asked, "You needn't have faced it alone"

I scoffed and placed both my hands behind my back before flashing a sarcastic smile to both of them who are waiting for my answer,

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