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Thor couldn't sleep, not that he wanted to, he sighed before carefully standing up, he moved gently so his brother wouldn't wake up, Loki was after all a heavy sleeper when he was tired or exhausted, sparing a glance at his brother he went to the table where bottles of liquor was placed, he raised an eyebrow at the bottle and small glass, back in Asgard they had ginormous mugs so he wasn't at all keen on using the small one.

He popped open the cap and drank directly from it, he didn't find it strong though, he was an Asgardian after all. As he slowly made his way to the bed a bright light suddenly shone, he covered his eyes and averted his gaze, his first instinct was to shield Loki's body away from it and he thanked the gods that Loki didn't flinch or anything.

As soon as the light went out he slowly placed the bottle on the bedside table, he walked slowly towards the end of the bed and there he saw a female figure, a golden helmet like his with an Asgardian armor, her vibrant hair flowed as she stood up with a sword beside her, he held out his hand as if summoning the stormbreaker, his hands started to flicker with lightning as he opened his palms

"No need for that." The woman said that caused Thor to ease a bit but kept his palms open

Thor furrowed his eyebrows "Who are you?" He questioned

Angela stood straight with a smile on the side of her face "Aldrif Odinsdottir, Odin's second-born daughter, Goddess of the Hunt and your sister."

Thor completely eased as he stood straight, he calmed down and looked at his sister up and down as if trying to believe that another sister of her was standing in his midst,

"But you'd know me as Angela too." She finished

"Thor." He simply replied before walking back to the bedside table and climbing up the bed beside Loki who still slept like a baby "What can I offer you, dear sister?"

Angela chuckled and rolled her eyes as she sat on the bed beside Loki, his sleeping form was the only one keeping them away from each other, she shrugged before settling her eyes on the older brother

"I heard that you already know me," She started that caused Thor to tense a bit as he looked up at her "It's fine Thor, I am also eager to meet you, I have heard lots of things about you."

Thor chuckled "I hope nothing bad."

"A bit," Angela replied with a smile "But I really am, it's something I have always wanted in my times back in Valhalla."

Thor raised an eyebrow "You could see us?"

"Always," Angela retorted with a sigh as she looked down at Loki, she slowly placed her palms on top of his head as a bright glow started to emerge slowly seeping into their youngest one's forehead "But it is my choice not to be known."

Thor nodded in understanding as he stared at what his older sister was doing "What is it you do?"

"He suffers from nightmares." Angela answered with a hint of sympathy in her voice "One of the reasons why he could not sleep well, why he's always been a light sleeper, he slips into that dark part of him whenever he sleeps heavily."

Thor knew about it of course but he felt bad when he couldn't do something about it, he knew that his brother's fiercest enemy was the one in his mind, he had no trouble nor did Loki show any signs of fear whenever they went hunting as kids or teens, he only sees fear whenever his little brother sleeps and he hated that feeling,

"Are you making him feel well?" Thor asked gently not to startle her

She smiled and nodded "Indeed I am, he dreamt about us last night, me and mother were talking to him but a dark void took him from us and we couldn't really see him until he called for me, I figured it was his nightmares so I'm making him calm."

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