Sunflower Seeds; Jungkook

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You have always been known for your love of sunflower seeds. You would ask your bestfriend to bring you snacks, and you assumed that she knew exactly what you meant. Your boyfriend, Jungkook, literally watches you eat them.

Sometimes while you're eating them, you spit them onto a napkin or plate to catch the shells. He'll reach over your lap and take the left over shells and eat them. When he first did it, you were just like, What The Fuck?

He started doing it more often. Every time he'd look at you trying to be seductive or something. You would just say 'you're weird man' and you'd laugh it off.

You were at home one night watching TV with Jungkook. He was on his phone, and you were eating your sunflower seeds.

In the middle of your bag, jungkook turn and looks at you.
Grabs your plate of shells and stuffs them in his mouth.


He comes toward you with his mouth full of seeds.

"Honestly, they are way better after you've had them in your mouth😉"


He has you pinned against the wall now. Chewing on the shells. You had to admit, he made it look hot.

"Jungkook I swear to god..."


He hands you the rest of the bag

"Spit them in my mouth"

He sits there with his mouth open. You don't know wether to do it, or to try and get out of the situation.

"Come on do it babe"

"One time. This shit is weird Jungkook"

"I promise you'll like it😉😉"

He's so confident in his words and you're just like 'What thee actual fuck'

You take the sunflower in your mouth and start breaking the shell. He steps back, getting prepared to catch it.

While you're eating the seed, jungkook is staring at your lips anticipating.

You spit the shell into the air and he catches it, throws his head back and rolls his eyes.

"Wow, you actually made it look hot..."

While chewing, "I told you you'd like it😉"

You smile, and jungkook slams you against the wall. He still has the shells in his mouth, and he begins to kiss you.

The seed is literally stabbing you in the mouth, but it's low key hot

While you're kissing, he's being really rough. You start making muffled sound in between breathing to tell him that you're bleeding from the sunflower seeds.

"Jung--mpghfj I'm bleedin-mph"

He finally stopped and noticed his lips-and yours were covered in your blood.

"Damn babe"

He spit the shells out of his mouth and he passionately kisses you

He's licking all around your mouth, sucking your lips, sucking out/off the blood.

"That was hot...😉"

"Jungkook never do that mouth is sore"

"I wanted to try something new. At least tell me you enjoyed it...a little?"

"It was alright... I wish I wouldn't have gotten my mouth tore up like that tho"

"I'm sorry was hot tho😉"


He hugged you, and picked you up bridal style.

He sat you back down on the couch and started watching TV again. He then fell asleep on your thighs.

*the end*


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