Photographer; Jungkook

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Your 19th birthday was coming up. You and your two bestfriends were preparing for your party on the upcoming Saturday.

Bestie 1:"Y/n you NEED to have a photo booth. We have to capture these moments. It's your last year being a teenager."

You: "let's see how much money I have, then we can talk about a photo booth."

Bestie 2: "OOOOHH! I KNOW, I KNOW! You could have a photographer! You could rent someone to just take pictures all around the party! They put the pictures on CD's at the end. And it doesn't cost much"

You: "That actually sounds like a good idea. But girls, come on we have to finish decorating. And setting up because I don't want to do it on Friday night. I'd rather get it done now."

Bestie 1: "Okay ms. Party pooper"

You: "oh shut up!"

Bestie 2: "I actually know a guy that could do it. He doesn't charge a lot."

You: "By 'not a lot' you mean..."

Bestie 2: "I mean like he'll do the whole party for like, $50"

You: "Woah woah woah, is he professional?"

Bestie 2: "Of course! He just our age, so he doesn't need that much money. He's kind of cute if I just say so too. So maybe you guys could hit it off at your birthdayyyy--"

You: "Haha, stop it! got a picture of him?"

All of you start laughing and she shows you the picture.

Bestie 2: "This was from the last party he did

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Bestie 2: "This was from the last party he did. I had gave him a ride. We went to high school together."

You: "Oh wow...he isn't kind of cute, he's beautiful."

Bestie 1: "To be honest, you guys would be the cutest couple"

You laugh, and ask bestie 2 to send you that picture. You guys finish decorating and you get the number of the photographer guy. Then you all went home.

*Day Of Your Party*

You already called the photographer guy on Friday. He said he'll do the party for $40. He sounds cute you thought to yourself

It's the beginning of the party when the photographer arrives.

Photographer: "Hello? Are you y/n?"

You turn around to see a tall, broad shoulder boy with his hair slightly covering his eyes.

You: "Y-Yeah, that's M-me"

Photographer: "Oh hi, I'm Jungkook, nice to meet you."

You shake hands.

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