Forget the world with Me

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Through all the pain,
And the tears,
Through it all:

Will you stay here?
Won't you just lay here with me,
And just,
Forget the world with me.

I can't be fixed,
I can't be tinkered with,
So won't you just lay here?
Forget the world with me.

I've got problems,
Issues? 102,
But all I want to do now,
Is forget the world with you.

So just lay here,
Just shut up and lay here.
Please stay with me,
And just forget the world.

How I wish you knew,
Just how much I adore you.
And how much you have changed me,
And made me forget the world.

So just lay here,
I beg you, just lay here.
Stay here with me,
And just forget the world.

Dark Poems and Inner Thoughts (Vol.2)Where stories live. Discover now