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It wasn't that Clarke was sitting on the sidelines of Bellamy's life waiting for him to realize that she's the one for him. It wasn't what she was doing, even if that's what her friends—their friends—thought, it's not.

Okay, so maybe it was. She was with Finn when she began realizing how cute he was and then Raven happened and she kind of banned herself from ever dating again. All the while Bellamy was sleeping with whomever he pleased, taunting her and slowly becoming her best friend. And then her sexual awakening happened thanks to Lexa being so bold as to kiss Clarke after telling her that love is weakness in this big elaborate speech that looking back on seemed all too well rehearsed. And then Lexa moved away and Clarke went off to Camp Ton D.C. as a junior councilor, had a fling with a councilor named Niylah and when she came back, Bellamy was with Gina and they all went to Ark U together and Clarke wanted to scream. She liked Gina, she was nice and pretty and made Bellamy smile in a way that Clarke had never seen on him before, a smile she wished she could be the one to put on his face but then Gina got into the school she wanted in the specific field she wanted and it was in Alaska so she broke up with Bellamy and he was broken, Clarke had never seen him so torn up and she didn't know how to put him back together. She was his best friend and she didn't know how to fix him.

And so after Gina, after he got over her, Clarke thought that maybe he finally got himself together, maybe he saw her how she's secretly seen him for the last few years and maybe, just maybe, Bellamy was in love with her too.

Then she saw him with Bree a few nights at the bar, they were there with their friends for trivia night, Bellamy had the history trivia down pat and Clarke rounded them out with the obscure, weird, and artsy trivia. They were key parts of a team and Clarke was losing more and more focus the longer she saw him with Bree, the more Bree wore him down each Tuesday night until she saw him cave and they lost, partly because he wasn't there to answer the last history question but also because Clarke's answers to the obscure and artsy questions were completely wrong because she could only focus on Bellamy walking out of the bar with Bree.

"You really should just tell him," Raven said that night with a look that screamed Clarke was being pathetic.

"How doesn't he know? It's not like I'm exactly hiding it."

"Denial? Maybe he figured you would never feel that way for him so falling into bed with Beth or whoever is his only choice."

"Whomever and oxymoron. He's not that stupid."

"Oh, come on, he's pretty dense. He didn't even realize you were his best friend until two years ago."

"He still goes to Miller for all his guy shit."

"He goes to you for all his guy shit too. Seriously, I think if you had a dick, you'd be his roommate instead."

"You're saying we can't be roommates because we're the opposite sexes? That's sexist and incorrect. I'd place a wager on Bellamy and I being able to be roommates but I think I'll just wind up breaking my own heart doing that."



Bellamy and Bree didn't become a thing. She was leaving town the night they hooked up and so Clarke never had to see her again. Except in her dreams, nightmares rather, where she kept watching him walk away with her, with another blonde on his arm instead of her and it hurt, seeing that he could break his streak of brunette, only not for her.

Months flew by and Clarke was almost going to tell him, let him in on how she felt when she saw the acceptance letter from Tufts University for his MFA. He was graduating and she was staying at Ark for two more years finishing her bachelors. He's leaving.

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