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Clarke didn't get to read much after Keta, it wasn't that she didn't want to, it just happened to be the end of the year for Madi so she was rushing around with recitals and softball finals and planning the summer camp her job held every year, Being in charge of hiring the councilors and ordering the supplies and she was so busy planning and organizing that her brain was fried by the time she got Madi into bed, that she collapsed into bed quickly after her.

"Hey," she heard after finally getting the enormous case of water bottles into her cart at Costco. Looking up as she stood, Bellamy and his beard were there, his cart filled with healthy food, ground beef, steaks, and a rotisserie chicken. She has water bottles, juice boxes by the hundreds and those little pouches of potato chips. He probably thinks they're for Madi, that she doesn't provide healthy food for her daughter whereas he and Echo are on this organic healthy diet.

"Hey," she grimaced. She didn't even think about how she looked, she knew she was on the verge of looking like a train wreck, her hair hadn't been washed in three days so she had a ball cap that was probably one he left behind when he moved to Boston, these ugly dark grey shorts that were fraying at the edges and a pale pink tank top that didn't conceal much and the black bra she had underneath was just the icing on the cake, because it was a mom bra, not a cute one that single women wear, that would entice someone on to get it off to see what's underneath and it's not exactly a secret that Clarke's breasts were amazing. Her friends were jealous and guys often gawked. Her shoes were flip flops that were so old and worn down she really should throw them out but they were too comfortable from constant use.

"That all for camp?"

Clarke blinked. "Uh, yeah, how do you know about that?"

"Madi," he said softly. "I'm not going behind your back and seeing her, it's not like I'm looking for her, I've just seen her around and at Niylah's again last week. I asked how you were and she said your job has been keeping you busy and tired."

"Yeah, it's exhausting. There's supposed to be five of us working on this but they have families that they have to get home to and—I mean, I have Madi, but that's different—it's just easier for me to do it all myself."

"As long as you get the credit," he said and he knew her, she wasn't going to take all the credit, it's not who she is. "Clarke... I feel like I don't know how to talk to you anymore. That we..."

"You haven't tried," she said before realizing how cold and callous she sounded. She's not bitter over anything that's happened, life got in the way of them and she accepted it. Accepted being another sister to him. "You have your happy life with Echo and I have Madi to think of and protect. She can think you're this great guy who found the success that you've always wanted but at the expense of your best friend. Just be aware that she only likes you because she doesn't know the second half of that."

"You really want to go there? I begged you to come visit me and you never did. I was a friend of convenience for you and that was fun to realize after I wrote you a book."

"You never be...what?"

"I wrote a whole damn book about you. Three hundred and eighty seven pages dedicated to you and you never called. You never showed up, I began wondering if you'd died because it wasn't just me left behind, it was O and Raven and Monty. You were so busy you couldn't even call your friends to check in? I doubt it."

"I—you don't know what it was like, Bellamy. You had this life in Boston, you had..." Clarke shook her head. "I was going to surprise you for Thanksgiving but then Lincoln proposed and Octavia wanted to tell you herself and she knew you were going to scream and she didn't want me there. I would have made it easier, I would have calmed you down, we both know that, but she didn't want me there.

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