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Bellamy went to Boston three days after graduation, he had an internship that Pike got him into at a publishing house. He can learn the ins and outs of the publishing industry before deciding what side of it he wants to be on. It's a good opportunity even though it kept him busy, too busy for phone calls and barely enough energy for texts but Octavia said he was loving it, after she visited him there for Independence Day weekend, the city goes all out for the holiday and Bellamy snuck her some Guinness while they were walking in the park.

Clarke was happy for him, he's her best friend, she's proud of him for going after what he wants, even if she doesn't quite understand why he wants to be a writer or in the publishing business at all. She knew he was a fantastic writer, his essays read like a short story that excited her and his professors to read what he had to say but she was always better at grammar, punctuation, and rhythmic flow than he was so he always had her check them before he handed them in and she did, even if it meant that she would be handing in her own papers late. She was his go to proof reader and she hoped that didn't change even with six hundred miles between them.

He didn't, it was infrequent but she still got emails from him asking her to proof a story he wrote, a poem. Hell, there was even a song. He sent the same story multiple times with more and more chapters added in and Clarke wondered if he was paying the school to have him write a story instead of a publishing house paying him for the story. Maybe that's what an MFA is. He had a week for Christmas and Clarke wished she could have stayed in town to see him, already having plans to see her mother in Chicago. Their spring breaks didn't match up and he wanted to go to Portland for some AWP conference and the first night he was there he called her overwhelmed and broken-hearted.

"I don't belong here," he said.

"Yes, you do. You made a biology paper sound like a Jules Verne novel."

"That's an exaggeration but I did make it entertaining and poetically fun."

"That's an oxymoron. Anyway, you're an amazing writer, compelling and I lose hours in your words so you definitely belong. More so than half the people there if you can get me to read an actual book," Clarke joked.

"That's true, you're the most stubborn person I know. Wait, you read Jules Verne?"

"Audiobooks in high school. I had to go to the library for them but now Audible exists so..."

"God, I could go for some Saucy's barbecue right now," he sighed.

It was a tradition, starting with someone Clarke didn't even know, that Bellamy knew before she and Octavia became roommates freshman year, he was missing it this spring break and probably next year's too.

"We can go this summer, are you coming back before your internship?"

"I... I have to see, I might have time. I'm really hoping I do, I've missed you more than I miss Saucy's."

"I might not go this year, give you some incentive to come get some with me at the end of the semester."


"It's been ten months, I just want to see my best friend."

"And you could have if you didn't go see your mom."

"Because you can say no to her? You know I couldn't."

He knew she made a good point, he was never good at saying no to Dr. Abigail Griffin and knew that everyone else that knew her had the same issue.


Bellamy had just bought a bus ticket to Richmond to visit the week before his internship started when he got the call about a problem with his scholarship so he couldn't go to Virginia to visit because he had to find a replacement or two to cover what that scholarship covered and Clarke didn't go to Saucy's barbecue. Thanksgiving Octavia wanted to go to Boston with Lincoln and tell Bellamy about their engagement so Clarke couldn't go too (though her being there could have softened the blow). Christmas was a month in Rio with Raven and Abby and Roan and Kane and Clarke felt weird being the only one without someone but they never made her feel left out or a third wheel (or fifth). She missed Bellamy more when she was away doing nothing than when she was studying in the library or her apartment or the coffee shop, where she usually spent the time with him, still studying but also goofing off enough for her to enjoy studying but now she has her iPhone and the music she downloaded onto it to keep her entertained and somewhat engaged in her assignments.

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