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Hello welcome to my first ironstrange oneshot!!

I retired from writing like a year ago so I apologize for messy writing!! This oneshot is about 4k words long, so I hope you like it!!

English isn't exactly my first language so I'm sorry for any errors! You can leave an inline comment for me to come back and edit :3

Enjoy the ride uwu


Everything is perfect.

In this very moment, time had stopped just for the two.

Stephen didn't even bring the Eye. A certain someone made him do it.


While he had his duties as the guardian of the Sanctum, he could never just sit back and do nothing. Besides Wong giving him the occasional entertainment, he still had to go out and get some fresh air from time to time.

Stephen decided to go out and get some snacks, since he had just discovered that Wong stole his burrito from last night. He put on a simple shirt and jacket and went out. He knew there was a really good bakery all the way down the street. He could just use the portal, but decided to walk just to kill some time.

The streets were busy as usual, since lunch hour was still around. Stephen took the time to look around and relax, focusing on the surroundings. It didn't take him very long to reach the bakery, and the smell of the pastries lured him in the second he got close.

The bakery was calmer, more quiet, a contrast to the busy streets outside. He went ahead and grabbed himself a tray to pick some pastries. After paying for his food, it was time to head back.

Stephen just stepped out of the bakery when he bumped into someone, who was apparently on the phone, had a cup of hot coffee in one hand and walked way too fast. Both of them fell and coffee was spilled on both of them.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry look I'm running out of time and I would love to compensate but I'm sorry, gotta go!" the man quickly got up, not bothering about his stained suit, immediately taking off.

Stephen groaned as he slowly got up. He wanted to be mad, but found no reason to, since there was only a small splotch of coffee stains on his jacket. He went back the path towards the sanctum, continuing about his day.

By the end of the day, Stephen ended up bringing back a bag full of tasty pastries to share with Wong. What he didn't notice was the magic compass on his wrist glowing and the needle going haywire earlier in the day.


"When we first met, you got coffee stains on my $3000 suit. I was in a rush, and I didn't even notice when someone pointed it out."

"To be fair, that was your coffee."


"You're really going to pretend I didn't notice you staring at me all day?"

Wong didn't say a word. He turned to look the other way, tapping his foot against the floor.

"Tell me, what's on your mind?" Stephen asked.

"It just seemed to me that you didn't notice your compass is moving a lot more frequently lately," Wong pointed at the mark on Stephen's left wrist.

It was true. Stephen's compass had been moving a lot more recently. Usually it would be completely still unless he went out to another city. But since the compass needle was moving, there was only one reason.

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