Mentally Ill •Jack•

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3rd person's POV

"Mr. Avery is ready to recieve you. Room 310." a nurse told Y/N and Daniel who drove her to the hospital.

"Y/N I think you should go see him first. He needs you now more than anytime. See if you can do that magic you do with him and bring back the Jack he was before." Daniel grabs on to her shoulders and puts all his trust in her.

Y/N is the only thing that will cheer Jack up. He's been so down.

After being critiscised for not being like his bandmates, Jack let his anxiety and depression get the best of him. He had been hurting himself, he refused to eat and couldn't sleep. A month into this his fans started noticing and so his family decided to talk to him about it.

When it got too much pressure Jack tried his anxiety pills but it wasn't enough. He fainted and now he's in the hospital. He has been staying here for the past few days.

The guys decided to call his girlfriend and explain what was happening since she had been touring as a dancer for the past 2 months. Jack completely shut her out but right when she was going home to spend some time with her family, she got the phone call.

"I will try my best." Y/N gave Daniel a reassuring smile, both of them with tears in their eyes. She started walking towards the room.

Jack saw the door opening, thinking it was just one of his bandmates trying to apologize once again for not noticing what he was going through earlier, he rolled his eyes and turned around.

"I told you guys to leave, you can't help me. No one can." Jack's small and weak voice filled the room. Y/N lets a little giggle out and walks over to the bed.

"It's me actually."

Jack's eyes widen and his head turns to face the door way. He's completely shocked, after thinking he would never see the love of his life again, here she stands. He sits up straight avoiding eye contact with her.

Y/N aproaches the bed slowly. Her hands shaking as she sees the person Jack has turned into.

"You could've told me you know? I would've been there for you. I miss you." Y/N stands very close to Jack making him lock his eyes with her.

His curls are messy against his forehead, his once happy and healthy figure, looks now miserable. His face skinny and completely lifeless. And his eyes no longer bright and shinny, now they're dark brown, red and puffy.

"How are you feeling?" she asks with her sweet voice that Jack hasn't heard in so long, making his heart skip a beat. "Please say something." she looks into his eyes.

"What? What do you want me to say?" once again his sad little voice.

"That you still love me?! That you missed me?! Tell me I can help you." tears start leaving Y/N's eyes as she thinks of the worst. She sits on his bed now trying not to look at Jack.

"I-I do. Of course I still love you. What are you even doing here? You shouldn't see me like this." concern takes over and then sadness again. Jack's insecurities always take the best of him.

"I'm here because I'm worried. And I know you're tired of hearing this but please hear me out!" she says after he looks down.

"I'm here because I care about you, so much. You're my everything Jack, and I don't think you realised this. When you started closing me out I was really hurt, I still am, 'cause I know I could've been there for you. And I'm worried about the fact that you hid everything from me, I thought you trusted me."

"I trust you, I just didn't want to have you worrying over me. All this stress is taking its advantage and I didn't want to worry you about anything, I know how busy you are." he almost whispers the last part.

"Jack... It doesn't matter how busy I am, you come first. I could've helped through it, I've been in the same situation as you baby." Y/N lets her fingers go through his hair, then droping her hand to caress his cheek.

"But I understand why you shut me out and I get it. What's important now is that I'm gonna help through this whether you like or not. You're gonna see me 24/7 and I'm not gonna shut up about how much I care about you and how much I love you. Ready for that? That's the real test here buddy." Y/N teases Jack making him laugh while looking at her.

"Gladly ready. I'm sorry for disappoing you, now I look dead and you probably hate me even more." he looks down and refuses any type of demonstration of affection.

"What are you talking about? Why would I hate you or be disappointed? I'm proud of you for wanting to get better you're being really brave."

"Not that. You're friends with those tall and fit guys, you spend so much time with them dancing and I'm here. When I started getting compared to my best friends even, I just broke down. I'm sorry I'm not the perfect guy."

"You only got one thing right. Yes I'm friends with them. Just Friends. You're the one I fell for, and let me tell you I fell hard as fuck. Look at me, I ain't perfect."

"You are perfect, for me."

"Exactly. See, you got the point. You are perfect Jack Avery, perfect for me. Every one has something they don't like or want to change, and there's always gonna be someone "better" than you, but guess what, that person feels the exact same way everyone else does."

They finally look at each other, realisation hitting Jack. He nods and gives his girlfriend a small smile. Enough to make her smile too.

"I wanna be okay, for you." he says grabing her hands.

"For me and for the people that love you, your family, your friends and even your fans. You're gonna get better. For all of us and for you too. Yeah?!" Y/N smiles, Jack nods.

Y/N opens her arms to hug her best friend and lover. Jack hides his face in her shoulder embracing her tightly, really showing how much he missed her, but eventually he pulls away.

"Daniel is waiting outside. I have to go but I'll be back tomorrow morning. And I'm pretty sure you can leave tomorrow but if anyone asks, you don't know anything." Y/N whispers the last part making him laugh again, and that's one thing he hasn't done in months.

"Ok. I love you Y/N." he looks in her eyes once again.

She leans in and closes the small gap between them. Both of them feeling the butterflies and extreme happiness causing them both to smile into the kiss. The feeling they missed.

"I love you more noodles. Keep that beautiful smile of yours that I love." Y/N gets off the bed and starts walking towards the door. "Bye." she smiles at him.

"Bye angel." Jack smiles back falling in love all over again. 

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