Chapter 3 - Wait, what?

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Shen Yue woke up extremely early today. In fact, she barely had 2 hours of sleep. How could she sleep soundly knowing that the day after would be the day Yi Tian and she would meet... again?

By the time she closed her eyes, it was nearly 5 in the morning so it really surprised her when the alarm started to invade her eardrums.

'Damn Yi Tian! Why do you have to choose 9 am for our short talk?'

Well, he had a valid reason why he chose that time. He had to make an appearance in Hongkong on the evening that was why he needed to leave early in the afternoon.

She slowly rose from her bed and headed towards the bathroom. The morning breeze was too cold for her liking so she mentally thanked God for the geniuses behind the heater. After bathing, she wrapped her body as well as her hair with a clean towel. She then proceeded to her vanity mirror for her make up.

She wanted to make her look for today as simple as possible. With that, Shen Yue curled her lashes and applied a thin layer of mascara. She also put a peach blush-on on her cheeks and applied a pink shade lipstick on her lips. After that, she blow dried her hair.

When she was satisfied with her look, she then opened her huge wardrobe and searched for the best dress that would match her make up and hair. She chose a baby blue dress and a pair of 2-inch heels.

Shen Yue looked at the mirror for the last time. She smiled sweetly though on the inside, she was quite nervous.

'Oh why would you be nervous? Do you still like him?'


'then why are you dressed like you're going on a date?'

'it's none if your business. Besides, I just wanted to look good today for myself, okay?'

By the time she was done talking to her own self, it was 10 minutes before 9:00!

"Oh gosh! Oh gosh! Oh gosh!" she hurriedly picked up her bag and car keys. She almost tripped on the last step if she wasn't able to hold on to the railings. Upon entering the car, Shen Yue peeked on her phone. It was 5 minutes before 9! 'What a shame if she would be late on their date... Date?! No!', she thought.

As she traversed the road going to the restaurant where they would meet, Shen Yue suddenly thought of the paparazzis. What if they were caught eating out? What if those people created yet another juicy but untrue stories about her and Yi Tian's meeting? If that happens, she would be listening to her manager's and bosses' scolding for a whole damn day. But... How could she turn back now? She was already inside her car, waiting patiently for the stoplight to turn red, sweating quite excessively due to nervousness no matter how cold the weather was.

When she was already in front of the restaurant, Shen Yue looked at herself in the rearview mirror. She looked... cute. She took her time entering the restaurant even though she knew for a fact that she was already 30 minutes late. She wished that Yi Tian already left... but at the very back of her mind, she wished that Yi Tian waited for her.

"Excuse me, uhm... Is Hu Yi Tian here?" Shen Yue asked the waiter at entrance.

"Yes. He's already waiting for you. Please follow me." the man said.

Shen Yue felt extremely overwhelmed that Yi Tian still waited for her even though she was 30 minutes late. He was too busy these days. She kept seeing news about Yi Tian's whereabouts on Weibo that were uploaded by his fans. There was a particular day that Yi Tian was at Beijing, 3 hours later, he was found in another city, and then 5 hours later, he was in another city again. It would be really tiresome for him. She almost felt sorry for Yi Tian. Well, that would be the price for having a very handsome face.

'Whoa there.'


'Did you just say Yi Tian has a handsome face?'

'Oh shut up self!'

"Miss Shen, we're here." The man, who was probably in his late 20's, smiled slightly as he raised his brows. He nodded a little while he opened the door. "Please do enjoy."

"I doubt it." She nervously laughed at him as he slowly closed the door.

When Shen Yue turned head towards the center of the room, she could not help but widen her eyes. The room was too beautiful! One side of it was made of glass that you could view the river that is situated outside. The furniture were modern but looks comfy at the same time. She was too focused on observing the interior that she totally forgot about Yi Tian who was standing 10 feet away from her while holding 3 sunflowers. She was too dazed on her surrounding, not until Yi Tian cleared his throat.

"Shen Yue." Yi Tian calmly said. He just mentioned her name but her knees shook uncontrollably. It shook even more when he handed the flowers to Shen Yue.

"Th—thanks." She smiled. Yi Tian pulled out the chair opposite where he was sitting and Shen Yue gladly sat down – thankful for the extra support that the chair gave for her trembling knees.

Yi Tian sat down on the opposite side of the table and he stared at Shen Yue's face like he was searching for something.

"Shen Yue, you're making me crazy." Yi Tian looked away and smiled as he shook his head.

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Finally I updated! Yay! Thank you for being patient. I really appreciate all your effort to read this story. Thank you so much! :3

PS. What can you say about the cliffhanger? Haha!

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