Chapter 5 - She was like "Obviously, duh?"

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3 am.
Teacher Hu: do you want to eat hotpot?
4:15 am.
Teacher Hu: how about we go to karaoke with the squad?
5:08 am.
Teacher Hu: please disregard my message before. Let's eat at a restaurant, only the two of us.
6:30 am.
Teacher Hu: I'm sorry if i'm a nuisance but please reply to me when you wake up. Good morning! I want to sleep but I'll do a shoot after 15 minutes. I'm so sleepy. Maybe i'll just use toothpicks so that I can keep my eyes open.

When Shen Yue woke up, a smile was already plastered on her face

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When Shen Yue woke up, a smile was already plastered on her face. This was the third day since her meeting with Yi Tian. After that day, they could not stop sending messages to each other, not to mention sending selfies wherever they went or whatever they do. Her phone was loaded with Yi Tian's wacky, cute, and serious photos. She couldn't help but to save them all.

Teacher Shen: Good morning! The weather's quite nice, don't you think?

It was only a matter of 20 seconds when her phone sounded. It was Yi Tian - whoa there. He was too fast.

Teacher Hu: Good morning too, teacher Shen! Yes, the weather's nice but according to the weather forecast today, it would rain.

Teacher Shen: What a shame. How will we meet of it's raining?

Teacher Hu: ...but I don't entirely believe on those forecasts. How come it'll rain if it's too hot today. My clothes are soaked by my sweat. Hahaha! So... where will we eat? Hehe

Shen Yue laughed at Yi Tian's reply.

Teacher Shen: I heard there's a new restaurant in town. Let's try it?

Teacher Hu: Okay. Just give me the exact location and I'll go there.

Upon sending the exact location to Yi Tian, she did not receive any replies anymore. She kept on looking at her phone every five minutes but to no avail. 'He must be shooting now, I won't disturb him.', she said to herself.

In order for her not to be bored, she opened her weibo dummy account. She created this account so that she would be able to interact with her fans without them knowing. She also looked for Meteor Garden's rating and she was satisfied with the result. However, she must be careful because if news comes out that Yi Tian and her are going out even though they were just friends, all their hardwork to remake the said show would be in vain.

At 11 in the morning, her manager called her saying that she would be in Happy Camp again by the end of the month.

"Someone called me from Happy Camp and they said there would be a mystery person on that show." her manager said. "I wonder if they also contacted Dylan Wang."

"Maybe the management asked the Happy Camp producers to make I and Dylan's exposure frequent so that the people would like our tandem even more. It would be best for the show, right?" She replied.

"Yes it would be. But not for you. He's too airheaded! His attitude is nothing compared to Hu Yi Tian. By the way, do you have any news about Yi Tian these days? I heard he's too busy." her manager asked. Shen Yue tried really hard not to tell her manager that she and Yi Tian were friends again. Although she trusts the manager, she was just taking extra precautions.

"I--I don't know. We stopped communicating months ago." she lied.

"Oh. Okay. I just thought you'd catch up with him. After all, he was too kind to you. Actually, personally, i'd like you to be working with Yi Tian again instead of that Dylan. And although the F4 is quite handsome, Yi Tian's face beats them all, don't you think?" her manager remarked. Little did she know that Shen Yue's face was beet red upon hearing those words. She definitely agrees that Yi Tian was the most handsome man she had worked with so far. He was also nice, thoughtful and funny. These were the reasons why she liked him.

"Hello? Earth to Shen Yue? Shen Yue!!!" her manager practically shouted at her hear. She suddenly woke up from her daydreaming.

"Hello I'm still here." Shen Yue laughed.

"You never changed." the manager said.

"What? Why?"

"You still like him, don't you?"

I'm sorry if this is a short one! Classes will start on Monday. I feel so sad. 😢 But rest assured that I will still update this story every week! Thank you to all your support! I just found out last time that this story became rank 4 in a certain tag that I had used. I was so happy! Again, thank you! 😊

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