Chapter 6 - It's cute

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Three days.

Three freakin' days.

Shen Yue did not hear anything from Yi Tian for three days. He did not call, he did not even leave a message on his whereabouts or what he was doing. Well, she was sure that he was working for his new drama but she just couldn't stand the fact that he had not reached to her since that day when Yi Tian invited her to eat outside!

However, in the span of three days, Shen Yue successfully secured contracts from different magazines -- from Cosmopolitan, Vogue, and many more. She also started filming her new series, Another Me. Sometimes she would get too overwhelmed because of the good things that the Almighty gives her.

During the day, Shen Yue cleaned her unit and tried to wash her clothes by herself. She also rearranged some of her furnitures, but of course, she consulted a friend of hers which was a feng shui expert whether her decisions were okay. In the afternoon, Shen Yue went over to Caesar's unit and as usual, her friend pestered her relentlessly. To avenge herself from his pranks, she looted his fridge without him noticing. Two hours went by when Caesar knocked in her door but she just put him in intercom.

"How dare you!" he shouted, though his voice was lacking anger.

"How dare me?" she replied.

"How dare you get my favorite chocolate! I almost went to all the malls and convenience stores here in the area just to get that but -- you! You got it in the blink of an eye. From. My. Own. Fridge! You're shameless!" he contemplated through the intercom. He was hopeless.

"Is that the green one? Oh gosh. I'm eating it now." she lied. In fact, right now, Shen Yue was holding a small pot and her hands were dirty because of the garden soil. Well, she just wanted to try her luck on gardening.

"Uh-- Sister Shen." suddenly, Caesar's voice started to calm down.

"What hap--" she did not finish what she was going to say when someone's face registered on her intercom.

"Hello. I'm Hu Yi Tian. Is this Shen Yue's unit?"

His voice was low but her heart seemed like it was hammered into a thin sheet! She could not believe her eyes!

"Ye-yes. Th-thi-this is h-hers." Ceasar could not believe his eyes. It was really Hu Yi Tian. What was he doing here?

"Thank you." he smiled.

Hu Yi Tian was about to knock on Shen Yue's door when it suddenly opened. The next thing he did was laugh - he could not help it. Yueyue's face was smudged with a brown material, probably a garden soil. Her whole outfit was so unladylike but... she looked freaking cute.

"Why are you here? Why are you laughing?" she asked.

"Is that how you'd welcome me?" he asked back.

"You did not message me for three days!" she practically shouted on top of her lungs.

"I'm sorry, Teacher Shen," Yi Tian stepped closer to Shen Yue and started to lightly pinch her cheeks, "the next shoot's location had no reception. I tried to message you but it was all in vain. We were set to shoot for five days but I missed you so I did my best so that the shoot would only take three days. I'm sorry."

Yi Tian was still pinching Yueyue's cheeks when someone cleared his own throat.

"You two. Haven't you not realized that i'm still here?" Caesar's must be annoyed right now since he hates being ignored but in reality, he wasn't. In fact, there was a funny reaction on his face that Shen Yue could not recognize. It was as if he was... teasing?

With that realization, Shen Yue lightly swatted Yi Tian's hands away but that made Caesar laugh.

"You know Sister Shen, I would not tell anyone anything." Caesar smiled. Yi Tian looked at Caesar and he was trying to process what the man just said. When he was about to ask something, Shen Yue stepped in front of him and faced Caesar.

"Just to be clear. We're just friends. He just came here to visit me. He'll leave immediately. But I'll deeply appreciate it if you don't tell this to anyone." Shen Yue was quite nervous and Caesar knew that.

Caesar stepped closer to Shen Yue to pat her messy hair. "No need to be nervous and no need to make him leave right now. Talk. After all, you two are just friends..." he raised his brows, teasing Shen Yue even more, "right?"

Shen Yue hissed, "I swear i'll kill you."

"I won't tell anything, just give me the chocolate."

Shen Yue disappeared in the blink of an eye. Even Yi Tian did not notice her as she dashed towards her fridge to get Caesar's food which she looted. She quickly went back to her door where the two gorgeous men were standing, trying to comprehend the situation.

"Here!" Shen Yue tried to catch her breath as she held the plastic bag in front of Caesar's face. "I returned everything in exchange of your words."

"Whoa! Are you the flash?!" Caesar was clearly amazed.

"Hey!" Shen Yue slapped Caesar's arm.

"Ow! Okay okay I won't tell anyone! No need to use that heavy hand of yours. Hmpf!" Caesar walked away towards his door.

Shen Yue led Yi Tian inside her unit but before she closed the door, she saw Caesar looking at her while he made his fingers look like it was kissing. "Good luck!" Caesar announced before he closed his door.

"What are you doing Yueyue?" Yi Tian asked.

"I was just trying to pla-- what?!" Shen Yue tried to hold onto the pot she was holding because if not, she would fall.

"Yueyue. I'll use that nickname everytime we are alone." Yi Tian took the pot from her hand and went to the balcony where the other plants were located.

"I find it cute." She admitted.

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