Chapter 7 - No matter what

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"If you're trying to grow succulents, it's better to use a mixture of sand and garden soil." Yi Tian suggested.

"Oh. I did not know you liked gardening?" Shen Yue asked, amusement clearly showing on her face.

"I just read it somewhere." By this time, YiTian's face turned red. He just looked away from Yueyue so that she would not see the current state of his face.

The two of them were crouched down on the ground, busy arranging the small and medium pots that Shen Yue had in her balcony. When they were done, she could not help but be amazed on how the pots were positioned. Her garden looked like it was  straight out of a home magazine.

"Wow! It's beautiful." Shen Yue exclaimed.

"It really is beautiful." Initially, Yi Tian was looking at her when he said those words but eventually looked at the mini garden in her balcony. They were standing side by side and Shen Yue had her hand clinging on his arm. He could not think straight upon Shen Yue's touch. Fortunately, the girl moved away from him towards the direction of her kitchen.

Yi Tian followed her. He could not help but notice the view in front of him. Shen Yue walked really cute. The way her hips sway was cute. Her fair legs looked cute. Her hair had grown longer since A Love so Beautiful and it looked cute. The way she wore that oversized white shirt looked so cute. But no, Shen Yue wasn't cute. She was extremely gorgeous. She was captivating.

"Teacher Hu, for the fifth time, what do you want to eat?" Shen Yue was now holding a kitchen spatula while waving it in front of his face.

"Uh--oh. Whatever you want to cook." Yi Tian stammered.

"What were you thinking that made you zone out like that?" she asked. She was now facing the kitchen counter, her back in full view again for Yi Tian to look at. He wanted so bad to reach and touch her hair but he could not do that. He was not supposed to that. He just leaned on the doorframe and watched Shen Yue prepare their food. "Yi Tian, you're zoning out. Again."

"Uhm -- I was just thinking about someone." he said.

Shen Yue's heart felt like it was being gripped in full force. She momentarily paused, trying to process what he just said. 'Someone?' she asked herself. She let out a sigh and tried to focus on the egg she was holding.

"That someone must be lucky that that person made Yi Tian zone out." she laughed, humor clearly not evident on the sound.

The two went quiet afterwards. All that could be heard was the clanging of pan and spatula and the boiling sound that the soup makes. After an hour, Shen Yue was done cooking. She almost dropped the soup when she saw Yi Tian still leaning on the doorframe, watching her intently.

"Why didn't you go in the living room? Your legs must be aching by now." Shen Yue put down the big bowl of soup on the countertop.

"Let me help you with that." Yi Tian went to where her other dishes were and he put all of them on the countertop. He then sat on a bar stool next to Shen Yue.

Again, silence reigned when they were eating. Yi Tian could not take the silence anymore so he said, "it was you."

"It was me? What are you talking about?" Shen Yue put down her spoon and looked at Yi Tian. The man did the same. They were looking at each other, and they both noticed that the surrounding became extra quiet.

"You made me zone out a while ago." Yi Tian declared.

"You're kidding me, right?" Shen Yue giggled, but she was extremely nervous.

"Wrong. I am not kidding you." Yi Tian reached out his hand towards Shen Yue's face. He removed a stray piece of hair away from the girl's face. He then moved closer to Shen Yue making her blush big time.

"Wha-what are yo-yo-you doing?" she asked, her voice too small but Yi Tian still heard her.

"Shen Yue," his face was an inch away from hers, she could not think straight. Her mind went blank and her eyes were as big as saucers, but the next thing Yi Tian did made her want to punch the man on his pretty face. "there's still garden soil on your nose."

Out of awkwardness, she jumped off of her bar stool and ran towards the bathroom. She quickly washed her face but when she was about to step out of that room, she slipped. "Ahhhhhh!"

Yi Tian ran towards the noise but he found that the door was locked. "Yueyue! Open this door! Are you alright?" he was knocking loudly on the door. When it finally opened, it revealed a girl who looked so disheveled while holding her bum.

"Are you trying to wreck my door?" she looked at him accusingly.

"I was worried," he admitted. "What happened?"

"I didn' see the puddle and I stepped on it. The next thing I know, my butt is already kissing the floor." she said, her face was scrunched up which made her look more cute.

Yi Tian lightly pinched her cheeks again. "Next time, be careful. I feel so sad for the floor. We both know now how heavy you are." He laughed at that. At first Shen Yue's face looked annoyed but she could not help but join Yi Tian's laugh. It was so contagious.

"Sometimes, I wonder how you are so heavy even though you are so small." He said when his laugh subsided.

"Hey! I tried to do diet," Shen Yue practically shouted at him, "but you always give me food or sometimes you eat yummy food when we're together that's why I could not help myself but eat. I love food!"

"And I succeed." Yi Tian averted his eyes toward the puddle that made Shen Yue slip. He entered the bathroom and grabbed a pile of tissue and he crouched down as he wiped the water off of the tiled floor.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"I do not want you to be overly thin. I want your body to be like that. You look so healthy with that figure." Though his back was facing Shen Yue, she could sense that he was smiling from ear to ear.

"So it was on purpose!" Shen Yue went to Yi Tian's spot and took this opportunity to make him carry her on his back. YI Tian was alarmed at first but when he realized what the girl was trying to do, he stood up and carried her out of the bathroom. "I tried to diet because I did not want you to have a hard time carrying me during that scene in A Love So Beautiful where you would carry me around the house."

"No matter what your weight would be, i'd still carry you around." he said seriously as he was traversing across Shen Yue's living room.


Hello!!! Quick update, huh? Hope you enjoy this chapter!

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