Chapter 10 - Confirmation

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Dedicated to @busybarney and @itsfatsyyy for waiting for this update since Sunday. Thank you for your support!


"What?!" Shen Yue and Yi Tian both looked at Caesar. He had a cheshire cat smile on his face.

"Hitting two birds in one stone - you don't want to hear him explain," he pointed at Shen Yue, "and you - you look so hopeless." He then moved his index finger and pointed at Yi Tian, "Both of you are torturing yourselves. I know for a fact that you, Shen Yue, are dying to hear Yi Tian's side and Yi Tian's too desperate to do that. I just ended each side's misery. You're welcome!" Caesar then laughed at them.

Shen Yue's face was inscrutable, "You're crazy."

"Thank you." Yi Tian said, but he was not looking at Caesar. His eyes were now darted at the girl sitting two feet away from him.

Shen Yue looked at him with a puzzled expression on her face. She was about to say something when Caesar stood up and grabbed her and Yi Tian's wrist. They willingly followed him. When they reached the door, Caesar let them go and he widely opened the door.

"Out! Out!" He shouted.

"Why?" Shen Yue asked.

"Why?! You have your own unit right? Talk there." Caesar grabbed them again and forcefully led them out, "Talk!" He shouted again before closing his door.

They were both dumbfounded. They did not know what to do. They were now both in each other's presence. Shen Yue squirmed in her place and Yi Tian cleared his throat.

"Uhm - i'm going in." Shen Yue walked slowly towards her unit. However, she noticed that she was not going any further. She looked back and saw her wrist being held by Yi Tian.

"Shen Yue," his eyes met hers. She felt hot tears brimming in her eyes just by looking at him. When Yi Tian saw the tears at the brink of falling down on her flawless face, he looked away from her and internally cursed himself, "please, let us talk. Let me explain."

"O-okay." Her reply made him smile big time. This was now his chance. He won't let this chance slip off his hand again. This was now his chance to redeem himself.

Shen Yue slowly removed his hands from her wrist and started to walk towards her door. "You coming or not?", she said to which snatched Yi Tian from his daze. He hurriedly went inside the girl's unit, so glad he was back inside that place again.

When they reached the living room, Shen Yue immediately jumped onto the huge white sofa and laid there. She moved her arms and legs like she was creating an invisible snow angel. Yi Tian laughed at this dorky and carefree side of Shen Yue and that earned him a glare from the girl.

"WHAT?!" Shen Yue shouted. Yi Tian did not notice the pillow going to his direction. It was too late for him to dodge. It landed on his face in no time. Shen Yue's loud laugh could be heard around the unit.

"What are you--" he did not finish what he was trying to say because another pillow flew and hit his face. Shen Yue laughed harder.

When she was about to throw another one, Yi Tian immediately grabbed it with his hand and threw it back at Shen Yue. It landed in her face too.

"Payback time!"

"Pillow fight!"

Each one of them grabbed their weapon aka pillow. Shen Yue ran around the room and Yi Tian tried to catch her. When he was about to hit her with his weapon, the girl fell on the floor. She was clutching her stomach while screaming "it hurts! It hurts!".

Yi Tian immediately went to where Shen Yue was lying. His heart was thumping like crazy. Beads of sweat started to trickle down his forehead. "Oh God! What's the matter! Yueyue! Okay - 911! Goddamnit! My hand is shaking! Yueyue hang on!"

He was too busy with calming his nerves and dialing the phone when suddenly, a pillow landed on his face. Shen Yue was now clutching her stomach again - not from pain but because of laughter. Yi Tian dropped his phone on the carpeted floor while sighing in defeat.

"Do I deserve an award for that acting?" she asked in between her laughter.

"No. You almost gave me a heart attack! But you - you deserve this!" Yi Tian tackled Shen Yue on the floor and reached for her sides. He then started to tickle her relentlessly.

"Yi Tian! Sto-stop!" Shen Yue squealed. Her laugh was like music to his ears so no matter how she pleaded, he did not stop. After minutes of tickling her, Yi Tian felt tired and joined Shen Yue as they both lay down the floor.

Minutes passed. No one was talking. The silence felt comfortable.

"The past three days, I was too exhausted." she admitted.

Yi Tian looked at Shen Yue though it was just half of her face he was seeing. However, he can still see the visible dark circles under her eyes.

"To be honest, I was too disappointed at you." she continued.

He moved turned his head away from Shen Yue and looked at the white ceiling. "I'm sorry. I really am."

"When I saw the footage and the audio clip, I could not believe my eyes... and my ears. I trusted you so much that the words you said... well... I thought you said hurt me so much." she suddenly sat up and faced Yi Tian, "...but hearing your explanation awhile ago made me happy. I don't know... but there's a part of me that doesn't want to believe those things floating around the internet."

Yi Tian did not know what to say. His heart was filled with joy. He could not believe his ears. "I thought you would not hear me explain anymore. I thought our friendship would be over for good now. Just the thought of it -- of not seeing you from time to time, not talking to you, not sending memes to you, or hear your laugh, see your smile... God! That would make me go crazy."

With a blush creeping very fast on her face, Shen Yue immediately looked away from him and looked at the opposite side of the room.

"You know I could not say those awful words to you. You're plain-looking? Who are they kidding? Why would I say that to you... when I like you very much?" he said, his voice low but Shen Yue did not miss a single word.

"As a friend." she added.

"Are you deaf or something? I thought you heard me explain to Caesar awhile ago?" he shood his head and smiled shyly.

'I do not want her to think Shen Yue as the other woman but since I told her I liked Yueyue, she instantly thought that we were in a relationship.'

"You--you liked me for real?" she asked.

"I like you for real." he said calmly, though on the inside, he felt like his internal organs were doing backflips and cartwheels.


Hello! What's up?! Did you miss me and my update? I'm so sorry for not updating during the weekends, something came up so I wasn't able to finish this chapter. But here it is, it's all done! I hope you liked it.

Also, I did not intend this story to be this long (more than ten chapters). I thought this would be a one-shot type only but you guys make me want to continue this story.

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